Digitized Spray Records

The PEI Department of Agriculture in partnership with Agyle Intelligence, have developed a pesticide spray records app for you to use on your mobile device.

Agyle Intelligence is a PEI based technology company focused on providing faster insights and paperless solutions for the food industry.

How do I get the app?

It only takes 3 steps

STEP 1:  Using your phone's camera scan the QR code below:


QR Code for Argyl App


STEP 2:  Sign up for the FREE account

STEP 3: Agyle will contact you directly to help launch the digital spray record for your farm needs.


What are the advantages of a digitized record keeping system for pesticide spray records?

A paper version can be lost, damaged, hard to read, and so on.  A digitized record will be accessible to the user at any time or place via their Smartphone.

Will the record generated by this app meet the requirements for record keeping for the PEI Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Change?

This format of record keeping has been accepted by the Pesticide Program, Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Change (PEIDEECC), as an alternative way to record pesticide applications to meet the requirements of the Pesticides Control Act and Regulations

Will the government of Prince Edward Island have access to my pesticide application records if I use this app?

The government of PEI will not keep a database of pesticide applications or monitor entries in the app.  In fact, the only access government will have to the information contained would be when pesticide records are requested by the PEIDEECC and the farmer/pesticide applicator makes the records available (as they would with the paper log books).

Will I still be able to access a hard copy of the field record keeping log?

PEIDA will continue to produce the manual versions and distribute to farmers.  Written field record keeping logs will still be acceptable.  

What does the app cost?

 It is offered at no cost to agricultural producers.

For more information contact:

Potato Industry Coordinator
PEI Department of Agriculture
Email: DeptAg@gov.pe.ca


Published date: 
September 25, 2023

General Inquiries

Department of Agriculture
5th Floor, Jones Building
11 Kent Street,
P.O. Box 2000,
Charlottetown, PEI C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-4880
Fax: 902-368-4857

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Agriculture Information Desk
1-866-PEI FARM (734-3276)
