Canada Student Grant for Students with Permanent/Persistent or Prolonged Disabilities / Services and Equipment Grant

To help cover educational related expenses for the academic year, the Canada Student Financial Assistance Program offers a grant of $2,800 to eligible students with permanent or persistent or prolonged disabilities. Once approved as a student with a permanent disability, you may qualify to receive the Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment.


To be eligible, you must:

  • Have applied and qualified for a minimum of $1 of need in Student Loan funding;
  • Enrolled in a full-time or part-time program at a designated post-secondary institution;
  • Students with physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, communication or sensory impairment or a functional limitation: Are required to complete our Permanent or Persistent or Prolonged Disability Medical Form completed by a qualified medical practitioner;
  • Students with a Learning Disability:  Are required to provide a full copy of a psycho-educational assessment with a re-evaluation (under the age of 18) prepared by a registered psychologist that is no more than five years old (or completed when the student was 18 or older).

Application process and supporting documentation

Students will answer “yes” to the disability verification question within the Student Loan Application. Students must then forward, to Student Financial Services, the required medical documentation / and or psycho-educational assessment (for students with learning disability only) to verify their permanent disability.

Applications cannot be assessed until all medical documentation has been received.

Services and Equipment Grant for Students with a Permanent or Persistent or Prolonged Disabilities

The Canada Student Loan Program offers a grant for eligible students with Permanent  or Persistent or Prolonged Disabilities to help cover eligible services and equipment.

Application process and supporting documentation

Once your student loan application has been assessed and you have been approved by PEI Student Loans as a student with a permanent or persistent or prolonged disability, you can contact your post-secondary educational institution and request to make an appointment with their accessibility services / disability coordinator.

Once approved, a cheque will be issued to you for the requested services and equipment. Student's who attain funds based on the equipment/service "must provide receipts no later 30 days after the period of studies end date". Any unused funds are required to be paid back to our office. A cheque or money order can be made out to "PEI Student Financial Assistance Corp".

Related forms

Disability Medical Form (not required for students with a Learning Disability)

Services and Equipment Grant Application for Students with Permanent or Persistent or Prolonged Disabilities

Contact Information:

Student Financial Services
176 Great George St., P.O. Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Telephone: (902) 368-4640
Fax: (902) 368-6144

Published date: 
May 10, 2023
Workforce, Advanced Learning and Population

General Inquiries

Student Financial Services
176 Great George Street
2nd Floor, Atlantic Technology Centre
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-4640