Buffer Zone Acquisition Program

The Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action has introduced a new program to purchase land near buffer zones, watercourses or wetlands to be included in the PEI Protected and Conserved Areas Network. This is one of many provincial programs aimed at increasing forest cover within priority watersheds and meeting provincial tree planting and protected areas targets. Priority areas for acquisition include:
- Non-forested streamside land in watersheds with a low percentage of forest cover;
- Degraded forested streamside land suitable for restoration; and
- Any land within 50 metres of a watercourse or wetland.
Acquisitions can include entire properties or a subdivided portion that contains the riparian buffer zone. All lands are unique, and the time to complete an acquisition will vary for subdivided portions that require surveys. Land management may include active restoration and sustainable forest management. Properties are purchased at fair market value.
What is a buffer zone?
A buffer zone is the area of land adjacent to a wetland or watercourse. On PEI, the Environmental Protection Act (540MB) legislates a buffer zone of 15 metres surrounding all wetlands and watercourses.
Why are buffer zones important?
Maintaining undeveloped buffer zones is an important tool in helping protect the Island’s watercourses and wetlands from erosion and sedimentation. Vegetated buffer zones help to shade, cool and regulate water temperature, and trap silt and other contaminants that may be found in run-off water prior to entering Island streams, wetlands and estuaries. Not only do buffer zones protect aquatic environments, they provide important habitat and travel corridors for a variety of Island wildlife. Riparian zones are among the most productive wildlife habitats and are the areas of transition between watercourses/wetlands and uplands. Often, these areas are characterized by a greater diversity of wildlife species compared to the adjacent upland area.
Interested in the program?
Please contact:
E-mail: landconservation@gov.pe.ca
Phone: 902-368-6450