Building Construction Tenders

Where can I find information on current building construction tenders?
Building Construction tender opportunities are available via the local newspapers and the online tenders site.
How can I rent space to Transportation and Infrastructure?
The department utilizes a number of leased office spaces, additional space is leased as required. Information related to potential space can be sent to the manager of Building Maintenance and Accommodations at
Opportunities to submit proposals covering the provision of space are advertised in local newspapers and on the online tenders site.
What happens to surplus office furniture?
Surplus office furniture and equipment is reassigned within government departments where possible. Charitable and volunteer groups may be eligible to receive surplus items not required within government. Surplus items may be sold at a public auction, which is advertised in the local newspapers.
How do I get an advertised Building Construction tender package?
Tender packages for building construction projects are available to download from the online tenders site.
Can anyone submitting a bid attend a tender opening?
Yes, the tender openings are public.
What is the phone number for information on the tendering process or tender results?
Contact names and numbers are on the online tenders site by project.