Ease your child into a new routine

Sneakers, back packs, jackets and lunch kit containers. All these new school supplies may be shiny and new, but can your child manage each of the buttons, straps and zippers independently?
Getting ready for all things new
At the start of every new school year, students arrive with new backpacks. According to elementary school teachers, it is really important for a child to know how to pack their own supplies, lunch kit, jacket and, inevitably, snow pants, into the backpack and zip it up quickly so that no one misses the bus at the end of the day.
New lunch boxes and water bottles can be a struggle as well during the first few days of school. Does your child know how to open and close all of these containers?
New sneakers. Every teacher's plea is to only buy sneakers with laces if your child knows how to tie them. Otherwise, velcro or slip-ons are everyone's best friend.
Attending a new school
- Talk about It. Encourage your child to share his or her feelings. Talk about the excitement of starting at a new school and discuss any concerns your child might have.
- Take a school tour. Call the school and arrange to tour the school with your child. Help your child find their way around the school and the location of their classroom and the bathroom. If possible, meet the teacher and principal.
- Make a new friend. If possible, introduce your child to a classmate before the first day of school.
Source: Alberta Education Tips for Parents (amended August 2012)
Establishing a routine
Have your child go to bed at school-night bedtime a few nights before the first day of school. Set an alarm clock for the correct school wake-up time. Establish a routine that requires your child to choose clothes for the next school day, and to pack a book bag every night before bed. This will help eliminate last minute rushing in the morning.