2025 Winter Perch Fishery

Beginning on January 1st, 2025; Prince Edward Island, in cooperation with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, is opening up the recreational White Perch fishery.

How do I participate?

There is no registration required for the 2025 perch season, which runs from January 1-March 31.

What are the rules?

  • A valid angling license for 2024-2025 is required
  • No registration is needed – general angling regulations apply
  • Maximum of one rod (3 hooks) per person
  • Daily limit of 25 perch, minimum length of 10 cm (3.9”)
  • All other fish caught (with the exception of smelts) must be released - maximum of 60 smelts per person per day
  • Shelters can be used but cannot be left on the ice overnight
  • Please mark your holes with branches when finished fishing for the day
  • No logbook is required for the 2025 winter fishing season​​​

Please refer to the 2024 Angling Summary (19MB) for details on angling on Prince Edward Island.

Where can I fish for white perch this winter?

At this time, there is one location open during the 2025 winter perch season:

Are there other factors I should be aware of?

Island ponds and rivers are not checked for ice conditions, Users are responsible to ensure their own personal safety when travelling or fishing on ice.

The Canadian Red Cross offers some good ice fishing safety tips and ideas. 

How can I offer my input and ideas?

Please contact anglingideas@gov.pe.ca with any questions or comments related to the 2025 winter perch fishing season. 


Published date: 
January 6, 2025
Environment, Energy and Climate Action

General Inquiries

Forests, Fish and Wildlife Division
J. Frank Gaudet Tree Nursery
183 Upton Road
Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-6450

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