FEP: Forest Contractors and Consultants Information Centre

The Forest Enhancement Program (FEP) is the primary forest management program for Island woodlot owners. This program has two main components, forest management plan preparation and silviculture implementation. Both of these components rely heavily on private sector forest consultants and contractors.

What are the FEP requirements for Forest Consultants?

Forest consultants must be graduate Foresters or Forest Technicians. In some cases, specialized plans may require the services of a graduate botanist or wildlife biologist.

Forest Consultants work with the land owner to prepare a management plan suited to the capabilities of their woodlands and the owners' goals, abilities and values. The plan and recommended treatments must meet the minimum standards contained in the Ecosystem-based Forest Management Manual.

Some Forest Consultants also provide additional services such as:

  • marketing forest products;
  • laying out recommended silvicultural work;
  • supervising and working with silvicultural workers;
  • completing and submitting FEP Stand Tally Forms;
  • providing input and advice for the 2024 Schedule of Rates and Standards which support forest management treatments funded under the Forest Enhancement Program; and
  • providing input and advice for forest management treatments not covered under the Forest Enhancement Program.

How can I register to become a Forest Consultant?

Contact the Forest Enhancement Program Coordinator at 902-620-3179

What are the requirements for Forest Contractors?

Forest Contractors implement the treatments contained in the land owners' forest management plan. Work must be completed to the standards required in the 2018 Ecosystem-based Forest Management Manual.

Contractors also harvest and/or market forest products for many land owner clients. Some also provide services such as road construction and maintenance which are not cost shared under the Forest Enhancement Program.

How can I register to become a Forest Contractor?

Contact the Forest Enhancement Program Coordinator at 902-620-3179

Published date: 
June 4, 2024