Land Donation

BEFORE YOU START: the province cannot give advice on personal finances. Please consider consulting a legal, tax or financial advisor before donating land. Besides the benefit of a land donation to PEI, you may request a tax receipt for the appraised fair market value of the land. Generally, the department will pay for costs associated with donating land to the province, however there may be some legal expenses to factor into donating land. Please consider the implications of the transaction on income tax and capital gains. The province does not accept responsibility for resolving outstanding title issues. 

Why should I consider donating land?

The Province of Prince Edward Island welcomes land donations that:

  • Complement the diversity of the province’s natural environment;
  • Provide stewardship sustainable resource potential;
  • Enhance the quality of life for islanders;
  • Help the province meet land conservation goals; and
  • Consolidate with existing public lands.

What is the process for donating land?

Each potential donation of land is reviewed for its overall benefit to the province and how it supports departmental values such as forest, recreation, wildlife, biology and connectivity. Lands may qualify under the Federal Ecological Gifts Program, which can provide significant tax benefits to donors of qualifying lands. For qualifying lands, the province or our provincial partners can help you process your donation through this program.

If it is decided that the land is a valuable addition to the province’s protected land base, we

  • Conduct an appraisal to determine the property’s fair market value 
  • Conduct standard title search of the lands and prepare necessary documentation – the property must be free and clear of all legal encumbrances at the time of a formal offer of donation.
  • Seek the approval of the Minister before accepting the donation.

After a donation is accepted, a tax receipt will be issued.

What is the timeline for donating land?

Time to complete a donation will vary from property to property. 

What are my options if I want to donate land, but the costs are too high?

Partial donation/Split receipt 

Allows you to both partly donate and sell your land. The donation must be at least 20% of the property value and is eligible for a charitable tax receipt if donated to the province or land trust.

The Province or provincial partners may consider outright purchasing your land if it contains ecologically significant features (e.g. watercourse, wetland, rare ecosystems or species)

What if I want to donate land after I have passed away?

Legacy Planning 

Legal protection is the best mechanism to ensure that your wishes for your property are met; you can leave your land to the Province or a land trust in your will. If you’d like to continue to use your land, you can transfer title to the Province or land trust and retain a life estate.

For more information, please contact:
Phone: 902-368-6450

Published date: 
August 14, 2023