Point of Sale Heat Pump Rebates
How do I get a heat pump rebate?
All Islanders may be eligible for a $1200 point of sale rebate on eligible mini-split heat pumps for their homes.
Find a Network of Excellence heat pump contractor near you to get started.
The $1200 rebate will automatically be removed from the total cost of your heat pump. You’ll pay the remaining cost of the heat pump to your contractor.
efficiencyPEI will continue to accept regular heat pump applications from clients until participating contractors are ready to offer point of sale rebates. If you're unsure how to proceed, discuss this with your contractor and they will assist you.
What is the rebate amount?
Mini-split Air Source Heat Pump
- Heat Pump Regular Rebate: $1,200
- Must be listed with NEEP ccASHP specification
Am I eligible for a $1200 rebate?
Your Network of Excellence contractor will ask you some basic eligibility questions before they install the heat pump.
To be eligible for an instant rebate, you must be installing a heat pump in a home you own. The home must be a single family detached residence. The heat pump must be installed in a previously heated space. New construction is ineligible, so the home must have been inhabited for at least six months.
Commercial and community buildings are not eligible for the instant rebate, however they may be eligible for business and community energy rebates.
What heat pumps are eligible?
All heat pumps must by supplied by a Network of Excellence contractor to be eligible for a rebate.
Mini-split air source heat pumps meeting NEEP ccASHP specification may be eligible for a $1200 rebate.
For Central (air-to-air or air-to-water) Air Source Heat Pumps and Ground Source (Geothermal) Heat Pumps, please apply through the Energy Efficient Equipment Rebate program.
Can I get multiple heat pump rebates?
There are no limits to how many heat pump rebates you can receive for heat pumps installed in your home. Each heat pump you install in your home may be eligible for a $1200 point of sale heat pump rebate, provided it meets all eligibility criteria.
How do I access low income rebates?
Islanders with lower incomes may want to check their eligibility for income qualified rebates. This may include a free heat pump. In order to be eligible for a free heat pump or other income qualified rebates, you must apply and have your income assessed before you have your heat pump installed.
To check your eligibility for a free heat pump, book an appointment at Access PEI by calling 1-833-734-1873.
Does the point of sale rebate apply to other energy efficient equipment?
Not at this time. Please visit the Energy Efficient Equipment Rebate page for instructions on how to apply for rebates on equipment like geothermal heat pumps, water saving devices, biomass heating devices, and other energy saving products. Some participating contractors may choose to offer a point of sale rebate on other types of energy efficient equipment, however the client is still required to fill out an application to be eligible.
Information for heat pump contractors
To provide point of sale heat pump rebates, contractors must be a member of the Network of Excellence. If you are a contractor and wish to be a part of this network, visit the Join the Network of Excellence page.
If you are an existing member and have questions on administering point of sale heat pump rebates, contact efficiencypei@gov.pe.ca.
All contractor remittances to government must be supported by client invoices and signed Heat Pump Rebate Client Consents. To submit your remittances, book an appointment at Access PEI by calling 1-833-734-1873 or email efficiencypei@gov.pe.ca