Trapping Information Centre

Do I need a licence to become a fur trapper on PEI?

Yes. In order to trap furbearing animals on PEI, you must be a licensed trapper. Trappers must have the permission of the land owner before setting any traps and must conduct trapping operations in a humane and sustainable manner.

For information on buying and/or exporting furs from PEI, visit the Fur Exporters and Dealers page. Additionally, more details can be found in the 2023 Trapping Summary (4.1MB). 

How can I get training to become a licensed trapper?

In order to obtain a trappers licence, you must complete a Trapper Education Course. These courses are held twice a year, usually in April and October.

  • Free to those 12 to 15 years of age
  • $20 for those 16 years of age and over

To register for an upcoming a trappers' course, contact the Forests, Fish and Wildlife Division at (902) 368-4683 or 1-866-368-4683.

Once I complete the course, where can I get my licence?

Trapping licences are available from Access PEI offices or from the Forests, Fish and Wildlife office at 183 Upton Rd in Charlottetown. You must also have a current Wildlife Conservation Fund (WCF) licence of $20/year ($13/year for those 65 years of age and older). The WCF fee is payable when you buy your trapping licence and once paid, this fee can also be applied to your annual hunting or angling licence.

Where can I trap?

Most of Prince Edward Island is private land so you need permission from the land owner.

Trapping is permitted on many public land properties. However, some properties are restricted due to their importance for other activities such as dog walking, hiking and snowshoeing. Learn more about pet safety in trapping areas by reading: Responsible Pet Owners, Wildlife and Traps

Restricted sites include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

  • New Harmony Demonstration woodlot
  • Auburn Demonstration woodlot
  • Valleyfield Demonstration woodlot
  • Camp Tamawaby Demonstration woodlot
  • Brookvale Demonstration woodlot
  • Boughton River Trail Natural Area
  • Murray River Pines Natural Area
  • Gairloch Road trails
  • A property within the Winter River Trail network
  • Royalty Oaks Natural Area
  • Beach Grove Natural Area
  • Bonshaw Hills Wilderness Park

For information on other restricted public land properties, contact your local forest district office.

Reporting Illegal Trapping and Poaching

You can report illegal trapping activity or poaching by reporting the incident to a Conservation Officer. For information on how to report, please visit Report a Violation to a Conservation Officer.


Published date: 
August 22, 2024