Canadian Free Trade Agreement: Electricity Transmission Services Roster Panel
The Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) entered into force in 2017 and was updated in September 2020 to include Annex 309 related to non-discriminatory access to Electricity Transmission services. Chapter 10 (Dispute Resolution) of the CFTA allows for the establishment of a panel to resolve disputes between parties (i.e. government-to-government) or persons and parties (i.e. person-to-government).
What is the function of the organization?
The roster panel will only be necessary when a complaint cannot be resolved through the consultation process, and if so required, the Presiding Body will identify 3 panelists from the Pan-Canadian roster pool.
The panel will aim to ensure that transmission service providers operating within a territory provide all transmission customers with open and nondiscriminatory access to transmission service within that territory.
The primary function of the panel includes:
- Examine whether the actual or proposed measure, or other matter at issue, is or would be inconsistent with the terms of the Canadian Free Trade Agreement Annex 309 (2)
- Seek information and expert advice from any person or body that it considers appropriate
- Review written submissions of the participating parties
- Observe in-person oral submissions
- Issue a report based on the submissions of the participating parties and any other evidence received during the course of the proceeding
How many people are appointed to the Panel Rosters?
The signatories (Federal-Provincial-Territorial Governments within Canada) of the Canadian Free Trade Agreement shall be entitled to appoint two (2) individuals to serve on the Electricity Transmission Services Roster as panelists for a term of five-years (5) with unlimited reappointments to the Roster.
What are the requirements of Panel Members?
Work & Experience Requirements
Electricity Transmission Services roster members shall:
- Have expertise or experience in electricity transmission, law or practice, including the regulation of transmission providers.
- Be independent of the Party making the nomination and not take instructions from any Party.
Skills Required
- Have expertise or experience in electricity transmission law or practice, which may include the regulation of transmission providers;
What are the nomination requirements?
Cabinet will appoint upon recommendations by the Minister.
Will I get paid?
The CFTA Electricity Transmission Services Roster Panel is a Category ‘D’ board and members will receive no remuneration from the Province, However, costs incurred by Members of the Electricity Transmissions Roster Panel, as part of the dispute resolution process, shall be compensated through the CFTA’s Internal Trade Secretariat.
Compensation as part of the dispute resolution panel process would tentatively be:
- Per diem: $800.00 based on an average day of 6 hours.
- Reimbursements: expenses related to travel are covered.
What is the time commitment for a Panel Roster Member?
Panel Roster Members shall serve a term of five years, with the possibility of reappointment.
If selected to a panel, the time will vary based on the complexity of the proceeding. Time will be required to review written submissions, conduct an in-person hearing with the parties, and issue a final report.
How can I apply?
If you would like to serve as a member of a provincial government agency, board, or commission (ABC) you can apply online through Engage PEI.
For further information about this committee, you may contact:
Darryl O’Brien
Trade & Economic Policy Advisor – Economic and Population Growth
Tel: 902-569-0562
Fax: 902-368-4242