Premier’s Action Committee on Family Violence Prevention

The Premier’s Action Committee on Family Violence Prevention was first appointed by the Premier of Prince Edward Island in December 1995 and has been renewed for five year mandates. The most recent renewal is for the period of April 1, 2019 to March 2024. The mandate of the committee is:

  • to coordinate the implementation of the provincial Family Violence Prevention Strategy;
  • to ensure integrity of community participation is maintained;
  • to ensure an evaluation component is in place;
  • to develop a work plan;
  • to promote the importance of resource allocations necessary for implementation of the strategy; and
  • to communicate initiatives to ensure a high public profile for family violence prevention is maintained across the province.

Primary Role:  Non-adjudicative
Material Role:
•    Advisory
•    Managerial/Oversight

How many people are on the committee?

Membership is organizational and consists of 32 organizational members representing a broad cross section of government divisions and community organizations.  For a complete list, visit

Will I get paid?

Committee members are volunteers and receive no remuneration however mileage reimbursement is available for travel and associated expenses for PAC related business in province. 

How can I apply?

If you would like to serve as part of this provincial government agency, board, or commission (ABC) you can apply online through Engage PEI.


For more information about this committee, you may contact:

Jennifer Cairns-Burke, BA, MEd
Provincial Family Violence Prevention Manager
Phone: 902-213-5919



Published date: 
April 4, 2022
Executive Council Office

General Inquiries

Executive Council Office
5th Floor, Shaw Building
95 Rochford Street
P.O. Box 2000,
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

General Inquiries:
Phone: 902-368-4502
Fax: 902-368-6118

Engage PEI Inquiries: 

Visit Engage PEI to learn more about serving as a member of an agency, board or commission (ABC).
Engage PEI