Submitting Online Forms

We continuously seek new and better ways to offer online services and make our system easier to use.  Below are tips for submitting your online form successfully.  

Before you even start to fill in the online form

  • Check your system:
    • Confirm your internet is connected; you cannot complete the form offline. 
    • Up-to-date versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge work best. 
    • Do not use Internet Explorer.  Our system does not support outdated web browsers.
    • The form won’t work with ad blockers or when Javascript or popups are disabled. 
    • Clear your browser cache, search online for instructions based on the browser you are using.
  • Complete the entire form in a timely manner:
    • If you fill in part of the form and return to finish it later, it will timeout. Your information will not save, and you will need to start over for the form to properly submit.
    • Gather all the required documents in advance so you can complete the form without delay or interruption. 
    • The information and documentation you will need to complete the online form is contained on the webform’s support webpage. 
  • Find the webform’s support webpage: 
    • If you navigate directly to the form without viewing the support page, click Online Services or the Prince Edward Island wordmark at the top of the form to access the online services menu; then search your form. 
    • Read the support webpage prior to starting the form to ensure you have up-to-date requirements.
    • The blue button at the bottom of the support page opens the form. Blue rectangle button to access online form
    • Allow more time for long forms with multiple uploads and slow internet.
    • Weak internet service may interfere with the form’s upload efficiency. 
    • Wait until the entire page appears on your screen. It may take extra time for page fields to download and documents to upload completely.
    • After you click Next Page, allow extra time for the form to advance. Clicking more than once may cause the form to cancel or skip a section.

Completing the online form 

  • Complete every section of the online form marked with * (required field). The form will not advance if required fields are empty.
  • Forms with inaccurate information or incomplete documentation will not be processed.
  • The form will not process if a field or file name contains in Emoji. (Your system may read a colon/closed-bracket character combination as an Emoji.)
  • Avoid over clicking any blue button at the page bottom. Multiple clicks on Previous Page, Next Page, Preview or Submit may interfere with form function.
  • Information fields and document-upload requirements may vary based on your selection on the form drop-down menu. 
  • Before uploading, reduce the file size to the limit set for that upload field, i.e. less than 1 MB. (Size limits are reduced on forms with multiple uploads.) See Resizing Photos for Online Forms.
  • A photo or scanned copy of a document may be easier to upload. Cover any personal information on your documentation that is not relevant for your application. 
  • Make sure the upload is complete before you advance on the form. It may take additional time for the uploaded file to appear, depending on its size and your internet strength. 

Submitting the online form

  • Before you click submit, click Preview to review the information you entered. You can save or screenshot and print a copy of the preview page for your records.  
  • Click submit once only. Re-clicking the submit button may cancel the submission. Some forms need additional time to fully submit.
  • You will know your form successfully submitted when a confirmation message with the submission ID appears on your screen. If you entered an email address on the first page of the form, an automated confirmation email will also go to that address.
  • Keep a record of your Submission ID (example: 512345).

What if my form will not submit? 

After confirming your internet is connected and your browser is up to date, clear your browser cache, complete and submit the form one more time. If it doesn’t submit (or if you notice an error message display) contact Providing details such as the name of the form, type of device and browser you are using, error message that may have displayed, etc will help troubleshoot the issue.

Who do I contact about the form or my submission? 

For non-technical information related to the form, find contact details on the webform support webpage or send questions to

Online forms have a support page which lists the information or documents you will need to complete the form. It is a good idea to gather this material before you open the form and start filling it out. Partly completed information can’t be saved so you will want to have everything you need so you can complete the form in one sitting.

Click on the blue button at the bottom of the support page to open the link to the form.

Why isn’t my form working?

Online forms function better on up-to-date versions of Chrome, Firefox or Safari web browsers. Most browsers update automatically but you should check that yours is up to date so the form will function properly. Do not use discontinued browsers such as Internet Explorer.

Why can’t I move to the next page of the form?    

The form will allow you to type out text, select options, or upload a file. Some questions are optional, others are required. Required questions are displayed with an asterisk (*) beside them. You won’t be able to advance to the next page in the form if you don’t fill out required questions. If you mistakenly missed a question, it may be highlighted in red.

Why can’t I upload files?

If you are unable to upload a file, you can take a photo of the document or use a scanner to create an electronic copy. Then try uploading the electronic copy. Cover any personal information on your documentation that is not relevant for your application.

If the document or image you want to upload is too large, you may have to resize it to fit the maximum upload size indicated. For information about resizing, refer to Resizing Photos for Online Forms.  

Can I save my completed form?

You will have a chance to preview your information once you complete the form. To keep a copy of your submission, save, print or screen shot the preview page before you click the submit button. 

Why was my submission unsuccessful?

You may have re-clicked the submit button. Clicking the submit button more than once will cancel the submission. Please be patient after you click the button; sometimes the form takes additional time to fully submit. You also need to be careful not to hit the Previous or Next Page buttons too many times. Avoid using emojis when you fill out the form as well as they may make your submission unsuccessful.

After confirming your internet is connected and your browser is up-to-date or switch to a different system (i.e. switch to your phone if you were using your computer), try filling out the form and submitting it again. If it doesn’t submit (or if you notice an error message display) contact Providing details such as the name of the form and type of device and browser you are using will help troubleshoot the issue.

How will I know if my form submitted?

You will see a confirmation screen after the form has submitted which will display a submission ID. You can copy and save, print, or screen shot this screen to keep it for future reference. The confirmation will also be emailed to you automatically, if you provided your email address on the first page of the form. 

Who do I email if I have questions about the form or my submission? 

You can find contact information on the support page you visited to access the form or you can send questions to

Published date: 
June 16, 2021