Using Cannabis on PEI

In Prince Edward Island, the legal age for cannabis is 19 years-old, which is the same legal age for alcohol and tobacco use.
The following questions and answers are related to the legalization of recreational cannabis. For information on use of medical cannabis, visit Health Canada-Cannabis for medical purposes.
When will cannabis be legal in PEI?
The date has not yet been set. When the Government of Canada’s Cannabis Act comes into effect, recreational cannabis will be legal in Canada. This is expected to happen sometime in summer 2018. PEI cannabis laws will come into force once federal legislation is in effect.
How much cannabis can I possess?
The public possession limit under federal legislation is 30 grams.
How much cannabis can I store in my home for personal use?
There is no limit set on how much purchased cannabis you may keep in your private dwelling. However each household is only allowed to grow up to four cannabis plants.
Is there requirements to store cannabis in a particular way?
Yes, cannabis must be kept in a location that is not accessible to anyone under the age of 19 who lives in the home.
May I share my cannabis with friends?
Yes, you can share legally purchased cannabis with friends who are 19 years of age or older.
Can I cultivate cannabis in my home?
Yes, up to four plants per household. Regardless of how many adults living in the home, there can only be up to four plants per home.
What restrictions apply to growing cannabis at home for people who are renting or living in a condo?
You need permission from your landlord. A landlord can prohibit growing cannabis on their property. Condo owners will be able to grow up to four cannabis plants, unless their condo bylaws state otherwise.
Where can I consume cannabis?
You can consume cannabis in a private home and the yard attached to a private home. You can also consume cannabis on vacant land, with the consent of the owner of that land. In rented or shared spaces where smoking is prohibited, such as rental units, community care facilities and long-term care facilities, there may be designated spaces for smoking.
Can restaurants/bars allow people to smoke cannabis similar to a cigar bar?
Not at this time. Government may choose to designate such locations for cannabis consumption at a later date.
Can I smoke cannabis in the workplace or on public property?
No, you can only consume or smoke cannabis in private household.
If I get caught using cannabis in a public place, will I get a warning or be fined immediately? Is the fine be similar to drinking in public?
A law enforcement officer or inspector may exercise discretion in giving warnings. The general penalty for violating the provincial legislation is a fine of $200 to $400. The fine is $400 to $700 for a second or subsequent offence. Learn more about Enforcing the Rules on Cannabis
Where can I smoke cannabis if I live in a smoke-free rental or smoke-free condo unit?
You can smoke cannabis in a designated smoking area outside the building, if designated by the operator of the building.
Can I consume cannabis in a hotel room?
Yes, if the hotel operator allows. A hotel room is included in the definition of a private dwelling under the proposed provincial legislation. A hotel operator has the option to prohibit any cannabis consumption in the hotel room through the terms of rental of the room.
Can I consume cannabis in my RV or tent?
Yes, if the owner of the campground or land allows it. Both an RV and tent are considered private dwellings under the provincial legislation. However, an operator or owner of the campground or land may impose restrictions on where or whether you can consume cannabis through the terms of the contract for use of the space where the RV or tent is located.
Can I consume cannabis in a provincial campground or a campground in the national park?
If a provincial park is designated as smoke free, then you are not allowed to smoke cannabis. Otherwise, a tent rental would be a private dwelling and smoking would be allowed. The national park may have additional rules based on federal legislation.