Family Medicine Sponsorship Program

The Family Medicine Sponsorship Program is a program of the Department of Health and Wellness designed to support proactive physician succession planning. The program provides funding to selected medical students pursuing Family Medicine as a profession. The funds will be paid directly to the students in the form of stipends to assist with their medical education expenses.  A contract will be signed requiring the student to complete a Return-in-Service commitment to Prince Edward Island to work in an area of identified high need upon the completion of their training. Candidate location preferences will be taken into consideration as well.

Applications will be accepted until September 1, 2024 at 5:00pm AST.


Who is eligible for this program?

  • Students enrolled in a recognized Canadian Medical School; and
  • Students who are currently within an accredited medical program and set to begin family medicine residency in 2026; and
  • Students who are interested in pursuing a career in Family Medicine.

Eligible applicants who apply to this program will participate in a competitive selection process. Preference will be given to Prince Edward Island residents.

Application Process

What is the deadline for applications?

September 1, 2024, at 5:00pm AST 

When can I apply?

Applications are open August 1, 2024

How do I apply?

Complete the application form, scan and submit all supporting documentation to the email or mailing address found at the bottom of the application.

What is required to apply for the program?

To apply for this program the following documentation is required:

  • A completed application form along with a copy of a current curriculum vitae (CV);
  • An official transcript of marks from all years of medical school training to date;
  • An essay (3-5 pages double spaced) identifying why you should be chosen to participate in the PEI Family Medicine Sponsorship Program and what you would bring to the Province of PEI as a new physician.
  • Two letters of reference from clinical preceptors, medical school professors and or physicians within the community.

Frequently Asked Questions

If successful, what will I receive as a financial incentive and what will be my commitment?

If you are in your fourth year of medical school, you will receive a financial incentive of $110,000, paid in instalments as follows:

  • $55,000 stipend in 4th year of medical school; and
  • $27,500 stipend during 1st year of Residency Training
  • $27,500 stipend during 2nd year of Residency Training

Return-in-service commitment: The successful applicant will be required to practice for 5 years in an area of greatest need, which will be determined by Department of Health & Wellness and Health PEI, upon completion of residency training. Candidate location preference will be taken into consideration. The recipient will be required to complete a five (5) year return in service commitment. 

These stipends are based on the average cost of tuition, fees and living expenses at Canadian medical schools. The funds are to help offset education expenses. Please note - payment installment amounts may vary in accordance with budget cycles.

Will I be notified if my application has been received?

Yes, you will be notified by email once your complete application has been received.

When will I know if I have been selected?

On or before October 1st, 2024

If I should change my mind during medical school training and not choose family medicine, what will be required of me?

You must notify the Recruitment and Retention Secretariat ( of your change in plans and you will be required to repay the funds plus interest as per the return-in-service contract.

If I should decide not to return to PEI upon completion of my residency training to fulfill my return-in-service commitment, what will be required of me?

You must notify the Recruitment and Retention Secretariat of your change in plans and you will be required to repay the funds plus interest as per the return-in-service contract.

How will it be determined by the Department of Health and Wellness where I will be working upon completion of my training?

The Department of Health and Wellness will consult with Health PEI to determine areas of greatest need at that time. Candidate location preferences will be taken into consideration as well.


Dom Desjardins
Lead Recruitment Coordinator
Physicians, Nursing, Allied Health
Health Recruitment & Retention
Department of Health and Wellness

Tel: 902-213-7916
Fax: 902-620-3875

Submit Completed Applications

Mailing Address Submission
Att: Dom Desjardins 
Department of Health & Wellness
Government of Prince Edward Island
176 Great George Street
Suite 205, PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Email Submission 
Subject Line: PEI Family Medicine Sponsorship Application 

Published date: 
July 30, 2024
Health and Wellness

General Inquiries

Department of Health and Wellness

Recruitment and Retention Secretariat

3rd Floor, Sullivan Building
16 Fitzroy Street, PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-620-3874
Fax: 902-620-3875