Harm Reduction Services and Supports

What is harm reduction?
Harm reduction is any evidence-informed intervention that helps reduce the risk of harms associated with a behaviour without requiring abstinence from that behaviour.
Examples include naloxone kits (substance use), condoms (sexual health), seatbelts (driving), and sunscreen (sun exposure).
Harm reduction works alongside health promotion, prevention and treatment. We need all approaches working together to help people be healthy.
Why harm reduction?
Across Canada, there have been 49,105 opioid-related overdose deaths between January 2016 and June 2024 – most of which involved fentanyl. In PEI, non-fatal opioid-related overdoses are on the rise.
Highly toxic opioids like fentanyl, fentanyl analogues, and other toxic substances are circulating in PEI’s illicit drug supply. Fentanyl is 20-40 times more toxic than heroin, and 100 times more toxic than morphine. Carfentanil, a fentanyl analogue, is 100 times more toxic than fentanyl. This makes the risk of accidental overdose very high.
Harm reduction works alongside other approaches –health promotion, prevention and treatment – because:
- A person may not be ready to make a change, and motivation is key to treatment and recovery;
- A person may not be practically able to make a change because their basic needs are not met (i.e., housing or food);
- For many people in recovery, relapse is an unfortunate reality; and
- People who use substances, but may not meet criteria for a substance use disorder, are still at risk of accidental drug-related overdoses (i.e., due to fentanyl).
What are the benefits of harm reduction?
Evidence-informed harm reduction services and supports have many benefits:
- Preventing drug-related overdoses and deaths;
- Connecting more people to services (i.e., addictions and mental health, housing);
- Preventing bacterial, viral, and other infections (i.e., HIV, Hepatitis C, endocarditis);
- Cost savings (i.e., reduced health spending); and
- Helping people live with greater dignity and respect for their human rights.
Currently available services and supports
Currently available harm reduction services and supports include:
- The National Overdose Response Service (NORS): A remote (phone-based) overdose response service. This service is confidential, non-judgmental, and available 24/7;
- Take Home Naloxone Kits: Free naloxone kits are available at multiple locations across PEI through the Take Home Naloxone Program;
- Drug Checking Services: This service is available through PEERS Alliance. Fentanyl test strips are also available at Health PEI Needle Exchange Program sites across PEI.
- Health PEI Needle Exchange Program: Available in communities across PEI, distribution and safe disposal, free naloxone kits, and other supports;
- The Substance Use Harm Reduction Drug Program: This program provides coverage to eligible PEI residents for medications for opioid use disorder and alcohol use disorder;
- Health PEI Mental Health and Addictions Services: Available across PEI, Health PEI offers mental health and addictions services for adults, youth, and those wanting to support family members;
- Health PEI Sexual Health, Options & Reproductive Services (SHORS): Reproductive and sexual health care for PEI residents of all genders, orientations and ages at various sites across PEI; and
- Community drop boxes: To increase access to safe disposal of sharps and other items, supporting public health and public safety.
Lived and living experience engagement
The Chief Public Health Office has released a report - Safe, More Dignified, Based on My Humanity - following engagement with people who have lived and living experience with substance use.