Registered Nurses Bridging Program
The Prince Edward Island (PEI) Department of Health and Wellness has partnered with Saskatchewan Polytechnic to deliver the Registered Nursing Bridging Program (RNBP) to internationally educated nurses to update their credentials to meet the competencies set out by the College of Registered Nurses and Midwives of Prince Edward Island (CRNMPEI).
This hybrid program combines online theoretical learning with in-person lab sessions and clinical practicum experiences, all aligned with the entry-level competencies established by the CRNMPEI.
You will:
- Learn about the Canadian health care system
- Study health assessment, health challenges, communications, and care of the elderly
- Study medical technology, terminology, and drug therapy theory in Canada
- Study regulations, ethics, safety, and cultural competency
- Explore issues generated by language barriers and cultural differences
- Have your clinical skills assessed in comparison to techniques and equipment used in Canada
- Take part in simulation labs and supervised clinical practice education
- Prepare to write the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX)
Prior to entering the program, the learner is required to provide proof of:
- Criminal Record/Vulnerable Sector Check
- Immunizations (completed or in progress)
- CPR–C AED for healthcare professionals or equivalent
- WHMIS certification
What is the PEI Registered Nursing Bridging Program (RNBP) program?
The RNBP is a 32-week program available to assist internationally educated nurses (IEN) in updating their credentials to meet the competencies set out by the CRNMPEI.
The courses are thoughtfully designed to enhance entry level competencies and ensure alignment with Canadian standards.
Delivered in a hybrid format, all theoretical courses are available online, while skills lab and clinical are conducted in-person. Learners have access to online content for skills lab and clinical.
What courses does the program cover?
There are 9 theory courses over 3 semesters (3 courses per semester). Each semester is delivered online over a defined eight-week period through a Learning Management System (LMS) called Brightspace. Each course has mandatory assessment points that need to be successfully completed. The courses are taken in the following sequence:
Semester 1
- NRSG-120 Fundamentals of Canadian Nursing Communication: You will study the importance of therapeutic communication skills for Canadian nurses. You will recognize commonly used medical terminology and apply the principles of basic communication skills in an interprofessional healthcare setting. You will identify the concepts of health teaching and conflict management skills in dealing with clients and their families.
- NRSG-103 Nursing in Canada: Your studies will focus on nursing in Canada. You will describe health and healthcare in Canada. You will discuss the foundations of nursing practice in Canada. You will appraise the roles and responsibilities of registered nurses in Saskatchewan. You will examine approaches to nursing care. You will distinguish nursing considerations for Indigenous and culturally diverse clients. You will analyze evidence-informed nursing practice and nursing research. You will examine nursing leadership and collaborative practice. You will examine trends in nursing practice.
- NRSG-106 Mental Health Nursing: You will articulate foundational theories and concepts of mental health as they pertain to Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians. You will analyze the anatomy and physiology of the brain in relation to mental health, and plan nursing care for clients experiencing psychobiological disorders. You will manage pharmacological interventions and examine nursing care to support mental health across the lifespan. You will then discuss a nursing care plan for a client experiencing a mental health crisis.
Semester 2
- PHAR-202 Pharmacology: You will examine foundational concepts of pharmacology in nursing practice. You will examine factors impacting medication therapy. You will formulate pharmacological interventions for clients. You will manage nursing care for clients taking anti-infective and anti-inflammatory medications. You will manage nursing care for clients taking medications that affect the nervous, cardiovascular, renal system, endocrine, respiratory, and gastrointestinal systems.
- NRSG-104 Health Assessment: You will learn how to conduct a systematic holistic health assessment, and how to adapt your health assessment techniques across the lifespan. You will demonstrate a modified head-to-toe assessment, applicable in any clinical practice education setting.
- NRSG-107 Maternal-Newborn Nursing: You will discuss the foundational concepts of maternal-newborn nursing and review the human reproductive systems and considerations related to human reproduction. You will discuss the management of nursing care to support clients while pregnant; clients during labor, birth and postpartum; as well as support for at risk childbearing and newborn clients.
Semester 3
- NRSG-221 Adult Health Nursing: You will focus on nursing care required to support clients facing surgery, experiencing cancer and undergoing alterations in immune function. You will also examine the nursing care required to support clients experiencing a wide range of health alterations in cardiovascular, peripheral vascular, metabolic, digestive, oxygenation, neurological, psychosocial, sexuality and reproduction, and musculoskeletal systems.
- NRSG-222 Gerontological Nursing: You will study the growth and development of elderly clients, considering how nurses can assist the elderly and their caregivers to achieve healthy aging. Nursing care required to support elderly clients with issues related to medications, psychosocial health, complex health needs, and loss and grief will also be discussed.
- NRSG-108 Pediatric Nursing: You will examine the growth and development, and the nurse’s role in caring for children from birth to adolescence. You will promote foundations of pediatric nursing. You will formulate nursing care for pediatric clients experiencing a wide range of health alterations in the following systems: respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, endocrine, hematological, neoplastic, infectious, immunologic, neurologic, neuromuscular, musculoskeletal, genetic, cognition, behavior, development, sensory, and integumentary.
What happens after theoretical courses are successfully completed?
Following successful completion of the theoretical courses the learner will move into the following schedule:
Week 25 to 26: Two weeks of in-person Skills Lab and Training is required. This lab will focus on practicing nursing skills and health assessments. Learners will have access to online content for skills lab:
- NRSG-223 Clinical Skills Lab
The below requirements are provided during week 25 to 26:
- N95 fit tested
- Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention (MSIP) training: Transferring, Lifting, Repositioning (TLR)
- Clinical Information System (CIS) training
- Point of Care (POC) equipment certification
- Simulation
Week 27 to 30: Four weeks (160 hours) of in-person instructor-led clinical is required.
Week 31 to 32: Two weeks (84hrs) of in-person instructor-led clinical is required.
Learners will have access to online content for bothinstructor-led and preceptor-led clinical:
- NRSG-209 Clinical Practice Education Experience
Who may be eligible for a referral to the PEI RNBP Program?
To be eligible for the RNBP, you must be referred to the program though the following:
- The College of Registered Nurses and Midwives of PEI (CRNMPEI)
Do I need to be a resident of PEI and/or Canada?
- You must be legally entitled to work in Canada, and
- You must be a resident of PEI
- Proof of Prince Edward Island residency (living on PEI) is required. You must be able to provide a copy of any two of the following:
- Government-issued photo ID
- PEI health card
- PEI residential lease/property deed
- Recent utility bill displaying your name and PEI address
- Letter from provincial government/court (marriage license, divorce, government aid)
- Bank statement showing name and address
- PEI driver’s license/learner’s permit
What is the cost of this program?
Currently, Program fees are covered by provincial funding for all learners but may be subject to change without notice.
How is the RNBP program delivered?
The programs is delivered through a hybrid format, all theoretical courses are available online, while the skills lab and clinical are conducted in-person. Learners have access to online content for skills lab and clinical.
How do I apply for the RNBP program?
To be eligible for the RNBP, you must be referred to the program though the following:
- The College of Registered Nurses and Midwives of PEI (CRNMPEI)
How do I apply as an Internationally Educated Nurses (IEN)?
All nurses who are seeking registration to practice as a Registered Nurse on PEI must apply or contact the College of Registered Nurses and Midwives of Prince Edward Island.
Is there any financial assistance available?
The PEI Department of Health and Wellness has partnered with SkillsPEI to provide a stipend for those who qualify. For more information, contact the Program Lead, Michelle Pridham-MacNeill at or 902-218-2963.
For more information on the RNBP
For more information, contact the Program Lead, Michelle Pridham-MacNeill at or 902-218-2963.