Best Start Program

Best Start is a voluntary in-home visiting program for families who face challenges and can benefit from additional support during a child's first three years.

Public health nurses screen all newborns and their families across Prince Edward Island for the program within two weeks of birth. Families who are eligible and referred to the program are connected with a Best Start worker, who provides in-home support until a child reaches age three.

Who is eligible for the Best Start Program?

Participation in the Best Start program is at the referral of a public health nurse, based on each individual family’s need. There is no fee to participate in the program.

What type of help is provided by Best Start?

Families participating in the Best Start Program may be experiencing a variety of social, health, economic and educational challenges. Parent receive help in areas such as physical care of the child, nutrition, infant stimulation, breastfeeding, child development, and parent-child activities.

Who administers the program?

The Best Start program is administered by CHANCES Family Centre in partnership with Public Health Nursing and available through Family Resource Centres across Prince Edward Island.

The program is supported by Health PEI.

Published date: 
September 23, 2019
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Charlottetown, PE   C1A 7N8

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