Summerset Manor

About Summerset Manor
Summerset is an 82-bed combined long-term care facility located in Summerside, Prince Edward Island.
There are six households, each with 13 or 14 residents. Every household has a kitchen, dining room and living room with a fireplace available to residents and family. Each resident has their own private room and washroom. There is a bilingual neighbourhood that has 26 beds and a dementia neighbourhood that has 28 beds.
Two respite beds are available at Summerset Manor.
For further information about the facility, view the Summerset Manor Resident and Family Guide [PDF | 639 KB]
What is the admission process?
You or your loved one’s individual care needs will be evaluated through a standard health assessment.
Generally, there are three types of service:
- Long-term – for permanent care, however, individuals can be discharged if their condition improves and they so desire.
- Day residents – delivered by Home Care, individuals can come to the manor for services, as needed. For example: century tub baths, meals, day program, etc.
For further information on the assessment process, eligibility and cost, please visit Long-Term Care or contact the Long Term Care Admissions Coordinator by calling the Home Care Office at (902) 888-8440. For financial questions or arrangements, contact the Long-Term Care Subsidy Program at (902) 438-4043.
What services are offered?
Services provided at Summerset Manor include:
- Nursing Services;
- Medical Services;
- Dental Care;
- Podiatry Services (foot care);
- Occupational Therapy;
- Physiotherapy; and
- Nutritional Services.
What activities are offered?
Summerset Manor offers coordinated activities to meet your physical, social, spiritual, and emotional needs. These can involve both individual and group activities. Some examples of activities provided include: exercise classes, bingo, musical entertainment, etc.
Religious services are also offered each week in the chapel.
Can I volunteer?
Volunteers play an important role in enhancing the quality of life of our residents. You can apply online, or call (902) 888-8327 for more information.
Can I make a donation to Summerset Manor?
The Summerset Manor Memorial Trust Fund gratefully accepts donations. These contributions are used to purchase materials and equipment that will enhance the residents’ quality of life that are not available through other sources of funding.
How do I contact Summerset Manor?
Summerset Manor
15 Frank Mellish Street
Summerside, PE C1N 0H3
Telephone: (902) 888-8310
Fax: (902) 888-8338