Youth Extra-Judicial Sanctions

What is Extra-Judicial Sanctions?        

Extra-Judicial Sanctions is a program that diverts the young person from the formal criminal court system while still holding him/her accountable for a criminal code offence. This program is similar to the Adult Program of Alternative Measures.

Who decides if my charge can go Extra-Judicial Sanctions?

On PEI, the Crown Attorney’s office makes the referral to Extra-Judicial Sanctions program. This can occur either:

  • Prior to a criminal offence charge being laid
  • After a person has been charged with a criminal offence

Who is eligible for the program?

In order to be eligible for the Extra-Judicial Sanctions program, the young person must accept responsibility for the crime and be willing to participate in the program.    

Can all crimes be diverted to Extra- Judicial Sanctions?

On PEI, this is at the discretion of the Crown Attorney’s office.

Is there a cost to participate in the program?

There is no cost to participate in the Extra-Judicial Sanctions program.    

Do I have a record once I complete the Program?

When a Youth successfully completes an Extra-Judicial Sanctions Agreement, a record of their involvement is available to justice officials for two years from the date the agreement commenced.

Who can I contact for more information?

Youth Justice Worker
Telephone: (902) 368-4587
Fax: (902) 368-4579

Published date: 
October 27, 2023
Justice and Public Safety

General Inquiries

Community and Correctional Services Division
109 Water Street
Summerside, PE   C1N 5L2
Phone: 902-432-2528
Fax: 902-432-2851