
Celebrating Treaty Day Together

The Province of Prince Edward Island and the PEI Mi’kmaq continue to move forward on the important work of advancing reconciliation through the celebration of Treaty Day.

Treaty Day is a special day that strengthens the shared commitment of government and the Mi’kmaq to advance the overall wellbeing of Indigenous peoples in Prince Edward Island. Through ongoing discussions, the PEI Mi’kmaq and the Province are actively working together to address mutual interests, including Mi’kmaq rights issues, while building on the good work accomplished to date on reconciliation. This year, Islanders will have the opportunity to learn from the PEI Mi’kmaq about their culture and history through special performances of traditional drumming and singing.

The Province also announces today that the Indigenous Relations Secretariat is in the early development stages of a new Treaty Education initiative with L’nuey, the PEI Mi’kmaq Rights Initiative. This Treaty Education initiative will help all Islanders gain a better understanding of Mi’kmaq Section 35 rights, including treaty rights. 

“Awareness of Mi’kmaq culture and history, as well as recognition of Mi’kmaq Treaties is key to reconciliation. Premier King demonstrated the true depth of his understanding of the importance of the Treaties to all Islanders when he proclaimed October 1st as Treaty Day one year ago today. With his leadership and commitment today to establish a Treaty Education partnership with L’nuey, he has once again shown the Mi’kmaq and all Islanders his sincere appreciation of the importance of our Treaty relationship. We are all Treaty people and our new Treaty Education Partnership will allow the Mi’kmaq and PEI government to work together to create opportunities for all Islanders to learn about the Mi’kmaq, our inherent Aboriginal and Treaty rights and most importantly, our shared history,” said Chief Darlene Bernard of Lennox Island First Nation.
“We are proud to join the PEI government in recognizing and celebrating Treaty Day here in Epekwitk. We look forward to this annual partnership to raise awareness of Mi’kmaq history and culture,” said Chief Junior Gould of Abegweit First Nation. “This is an important day not only for the Epekwitk Mi’kmaq, but all Islanders, and I encourage everyone to reflect on the special Treaty relationship we share as Treaty people.”

Chiefs Darlene Bernard of Lennox Island First Nation and Junior Gould of Abegweit First Nation will raise the Mi’kmaq Grand Council flag together with Premier Dennis King at the provincial government offices on October 1st to honour Treaty Day. The Mi’kmaq Grand Council flag will fly for the month of October to honour the PEI Mi’kmaq.

“This year has been like no other but the important work of reconciliation cannot and did not take a break. We know that the contributions of the PEI Mi’kmaq are many and will continue to have a meaningful place in how we move forward as a province. The development of a new Treaty Education Partnership will help realize the Province and the Mi’kmaq’s shared vision of making our Island the very best it can be for all our residents. Special days like Treaty Day also offers us all a unique opportunity to gain more understanding and appreciation for Mi’kmaq culture and heritage. Standing alongside Chiefs Bernard and Gould, I am confident that together, we will continue to realize meaningful change for Prince Edward Island.”

- Premier Dennis King

To learn more about reconciliation and treaties, visit: Understanding Indigenous Matters.
To learn more about L’nuey, visit: L’nuey

Media contacts:
Vicki Tse
Executive Council Office

Sean Doke

General Inquiries

Office of the Premier
5th Floor South, Shaw Building
95 Rochford Street
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-4400
Fax: 902-368-4416
