
Funding available for projects to benefit seniors

Organizations and communities that work to improve the lives of Island seniors can now apply for provincial government funding.

Applications are being accepted until July 27 for the annual PEI Seniors’ Secretariat grants at www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/family-and-human-services/seniors-secretariat-grant. They offer up to $5,000 per project, with preference given to 

•    age-friendly community projects;
•    those that promote positive images of aging and support active living, home first/age-in-place; or
•    projects that reduce social isolation.   

“The PEI Seniors’ Secretariat plays a big role in enhancing the lives of seniors across Prince Edward Island,” said Family and Human Services Minister Tina Mundy. “I encourage individuals and organizations to help support the important work of the secretariat with the funding available through these grants.” 

Groups eligible for funding include non-profit organizations, community-based coalitions, networks, municipal governments, band/tribal councils, and other Aboriginal organizations in Prince Edward Island. 

The secretariat works collaboratively with community organizations and has three primary roles which include: providing policy, program and service advice to government and community; public awareness and education; and research related to improving the overall wellness of Island seniors.

For more information email seniors@gov.pe.ca or call the seniors line at 1-866-770-0588.      

Media contact:
Darlene Gillis 

General Inquiries

Department of Social Development and Seniors
2nd Floor, Jones Building
11 Kent Street
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-620-3777
Toll-free: 1-866-594-3777
Fax: 902-894-0242
