
Islanders invited to share opinion on land use

The provincial government wants to hear from Islanders on how land use, ownership and planning can be improved in the province.

Starting immediately, Islanders can visit Land Matters Project to provide input about land issues in PEI. This engagement is part of the Province’s review of the Lands Protection Act and Planning Act and input will be used to provide recommendations on changes to regulations and legislation.

“Land protection and management has been a priority for Prince Edward Island since before Confederation,” said Bloyce Thompson, Minister of Agriculture and Land. “The upcoming review will help government identify Islanders’ concerns about our land and design ways to protect and preserve our land for future generations.” 

Land ownership is currently governed by the Lands Protection Act and regulated by the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission (IRAC). The Land Matters Project is being initiated as a response to public request, findings of past land reports, and current mandates to review the Lands Protection Act and Planning Act.

“In the next few weeks, we will also establish a Land Matters Advisory Committee of Islanders who will carry out conversations with the public,” said Minister Thompson. “We are looking for individuals with expertise in all aspects of land ownership, use, and planning. We want to hear from interested parties and we want to address land policy and legislation in a way that meets the needs of every Islander. Everything is up for discussion and we want to hear from you.”

Details of how to apply to the Land Matters Advisory Committee will be available soon on the Land Matters website. The site will also be updated with other information as progress unfolds.

For more information, visit the Lands Protection Act, the Planning Act and the Land Matters Project.

Media contact:    
Kip Ready
Department of Agriculture and Land

General Inquiries

Provincial Planning
J. Elmer Blanchard Building
31 Gordon Drive
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-5590
Fax: 902-368-5526
