
More transitional housing support for Islanders 

Minister of Social Development and Housing Ernie Hudson and Dianne Smith of Smith Lodge.

A 28-bed transitional housing complex will help support the needs of Islanders experiencing homelessness. 

The province has entered into a purchase and sale agreement for properties and land in Charlottetown to develop new transitional supports for men, women and families. The properties, currently known collectively as Smith Lodge, will be renovated and ready to open by summer 2020.  

“Adding more transitional beds in Charlottetown will help shelters such as Bedford MacDonald House and Blooming House that are seeing increased demand. The provincial government and community partners will work together to support people as they transition to more permanent living arrangements. Smith Lodge will provide safe and supportive housing to Islanders at a vulnerable time in their life and also offer them assistance and encouragement as they get back on their feet.”

- Social Development and Housing Minister Ernie Hudson

In November 2019, the province finalized a community needs assessment for emergency shelter and since then announced several actions including continued partnerships with Bedford MacDonald House, Blooming House, and the Salvation Army, setting up a new community outreach centre and partnering with a local landlord to provide 10-transition beds in Charlottetown.  A new 20-bed transitional home for survivors of family violence and children aging out of care is also under construction and expected to be complete this spring. 

These efforts and others to address the various housing needs of Islanders are highlighted in an 18-month progress report released today. Additional initiatives include supporting the construction of 372 new affordable housing units, investing in 1150 new mobile rental vouchers and collaborating with more than 20 housing partners.

Current housing priorities for government are:

  • creating 100 new government-owned social housing units across the province; 
  • continuing to  partner with communities and developers to create more non-government owned units; 
  • making it easier for people to access home renovation and repair programs; 
  • public consultation and  legislative changes to the Rental of Residential Properties Act to support tenants and landlords; and 
  • considering ways to provide Island students with more housing support. 

“Housing is critical for raising healthy families and fostering success in education, jobs and aging in place. It’s not just about buildings. Safe and suitable housing helps to strengthen the economy, build communities and support overall personal well-being,” said Minister Hudson. “Much progress has been made over the past 18 months but there is more work to be done. Through successful partnerships, we will continue to provide timely access to housing that meets the current and future needs of Islanders.” 

For more information, visit Home Together Affordable Housing for PEI

Media contact:
April Gallant
Department of Social Development and Housing

General Inquiries

161 St. Peters Road 
PO Box 2000 
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8 
Toll Free Phone: 1-877-368-5770
