Prince Edward Island tightens restrictions on self-isolating
Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Heather Morrison, reiterates although the province still has three confirmed positive cases of COVID-19, Islanders must continue self-isolating and practicing social distancing to prevent the spread.
Dr. Morrison says, as we continue to see community spread across the country and after discussions with the province’s enforcement colleagues, she recommends all Islanders who are self-isolating must now remain on their own property when outside. Those who live in apartment buildings must stay on the property of the building while outside.
Government and Health PEI are working to deploy a National Emergency Strategic Stockpile (NESS) Mini Clinic in Charlottetown. The clinic is a federal asset provided to PEI, which is one of four provinces to have one. The clinic will function similar to an out-patient clinic, which will allow for increased testing capacity and is meant to divert people away from hospitals. More details are expected in the coming days.
Islanders experiencing symptoms (cough, fever, or shortness of breath) within 14 days after travelling outside the province should call 8-1-1 to be screened and, if necessary, directed for testing. Those requiring immediate medical attention should call 9-1-1.
The Chief Public Health Office continues to work closely with the federal government, provincial and territorial counterparts, government departments and Health PEI to continue to monitor the situation globally, nationally and locally. The public health risk of COVID-19 is continually reassessed and Islanders will be updated as new information becomes available.
Government’s special situation response group also continues to work collaboratively with the Chief Public Health Office, stakeholders and community partners in preparing for all impacts related to COVID-19 to the province, including health, social and economic.
Everyone is encouraged to follow routine prevention measures:
- Washing hands frequently with soap and water
- Cough and sneeze into your elbow or a tissue
- If ill with acute respiratory symptoms, stay home if possible
- Limit touching your eyes, nose and mouth
- Don’t share items like drinking glasses and water bottles
- Frequently clean surfaces like taps, doorknobs and countertops
Media Contact:
Samantha Hughes
Health and Wellness
(902) 368-5610