Province invests in Habitat for Humanity Homes

Home Together - Affordable Housing for PEI
The province today announced that Habitat for Humanity is receiving $625,000 through the Housing Action Plan to build 25 homes that will make affordable home ownership a reality for more Island families.
“We are pleased to invest in this Habitat for Humanity PEI project because home truly is where the heart is and affordable home ownership offers Island families a solid foundation to thrive from,” said Human and Family Services Minister Tina Mundy. “This project will enrich many lives and help to increase the province’s affordable housing stock with environmentally sustainable family homes.”
For this project the province is contributing $25,000 towards each single-family home and town house that Habitat for Humanity will build to provide Indigenous families, families living with disabilities, new Canadians, and Canadian Armed Forces veterans with access to affordable family homes. Fifty percent of the town houses constructed will be fully accessible.
“Habitat for Humanity PEI would like to thank the provincial government for their support for our three-year plan to make owning a home a reality for 25 Island families,” said Aaron Brown, CEO Habitat for Humanity PEI. “In addition to directly supporting our projects, this funding agreement also represents a commitment to affordable homeownership on Prince Edward Island.”
The new homes are expected to exceed national standards for energy efficiency and will use innovative design concepts that will result through partnerships with UPEI School of Sustainable Design, Efficiency PEI, and the University of Waterloo Engineering Department.
About Habitat for Humanity PEI: This community organization constructed its first home in 1999 and since then has offered affordable home ownership to 230 Islanders by building 61 homes. Families pay 25 per cent of their income in rent towards home ownership. All units remain within Habitat’s stock as affordable housing for a minimum of 15 years with a guaranteed buy-back by Habitat for Humanity should the homeowner choose to sell their home. Mortgages collected pay forward the social impact with funds invested back into building new homes for future families.
About PEI’s Housing Action Plan: 1,200 new affordable units are being created across PEI over the next 2 years and will expand the existing inventory of 1,600 provincial government-owned affordable units to meet a growing demand for affordable housing for both Island seniors and families. This is in addition to the over 650 rent supplement arrangements the province has with private landlords across the province.
To learn more about PEI Housing Action Plan progress, visit Home Together.
For more information visit Habitat for Humanity PEI.
Media contact:
Bobbi Jo Walker
Department of Family and Human Services
Aaron Brown
Habitat for Humanity PEI