Rural transit program expands to Prince County
With new rural transit routes in Prince County, Islanders can now use public transit to get from tip-to-tip across the province.
Beginning Tuesday, April 19, a rural public transit route between Tignish and Charlottetown, through Summerside, Borden-Carleton and south shore communities will operate twice daily. A second route will provide inter-community transit in the West Prince region and midday to Summerside. These new routes will support Prince County residents who need to get to and from work, school and essential services.
“What we’ve been able to create with the introduction of a public transit option in our rural communities that connects with public transit in our larger municipalities is an affordable Island-wide public transportation network that will not only reduce transportation barriers for people in rural PEI, it will also help cut transportation emissions in the province. We will continue to look at ways we can connect more communities to public transportation options by adding additional routes and partnering with local municipalities to decrease the need for personal vehicle use.”
- Transportation and Infrastructure Minister James Aylward
Transportation is one of the largest carbon emitters in the province and this is a key initiative in helping PEI reach its goal of being the first net zero province in Canada by 2040.
Anyone with ideas about the rural transit program, or suggestions on ways the Province can improve the Island-wide transit network to best meet the needs of Islanders, can email
All transit routes on Prince Edward Island are free for anyone 18 years of age and younger.
Media contact:
April Gallant
Department of Transportation and Infrastructure