
We’ll say bienvenue to the world in 2019

Minister Sonny Gallant, Claudette Thériault and Premier Wade MacLauchlan

Miscouche, Prince Edward Island – Acadians, francophones, and francophiles from near and far will gather on Prince Edward Island next summer.

2019 marks the 25th anniversary of the World Acadian Congress, which Prince Edward Island will host for the first time along with southeast New Brunswick. The 10-day- celebration begins in Abram-Village August 10 and ends in Shediac, NB on August 24, 2019 and is expected to draw nearly 100,000 people.

“Our Acadian and Francophone community – and its culture and French language – play a vital role in the fabric of our province,” said Premier Wade MacLauchlan, minister of Acadian and Francophone Affairs. “Co-hosting the World Acadian Congress will have meaningful impacts culturally, socially, and economically for our Acadian and Francophone community and our entire province, and will help us share with the world what makes us the Mighty Island.”

Along with other provincial and federal partners, Prince Edward Island will provide $1 million in funding to the World Acadian Congress.

“We want to sincerely thank the Government of Prince Edward Island for this important contribution. The Congrès mondial acadien 2019 is a major event whose mission is to promote Acadian culture and reinforce the strong ties that unite our communities. It will have important and beneficial repercussions, both for the Acadian community and for Prince Edward Island as a whole,” said Claudette Thériault, Chair of the World Acadian Congress Organizing Committee.

Information about the World Acadian Congress is available at 

Media contact:
Vicki Tse
Bilingual Senior Communications Officer

Elise Pelletier
Assistant Director of Communications and Media Relations 



What is the World Acadian Congress?

The 6th edition of the Congrès mondial acadien will mark the 25th anniversary of the event. The goal of this international gathering is to strengthen the ties that unite all Acadian communities throughout the world, all while showcasing a modern and authentic Acadian identity. The Congrès is also an opportunity to welcome all those who are interested in l’Acadie. 

Many families of Acadian descent get together during each Congrès mondial acadien, reuniting with distant cousins or renewing links with their extended family. The family reunions alone can gather tens of thousands of people, while the event as a whole is expected to attract around 100 000 participants.  

But the Congrès mondial acadien is not just about family reunions; during the event, major shows will also be held all over the host region, as well as youth activities, conferences, various cultural and artistic events, and much more. 

Today, the Congrès mondial acadien is of great significance to the Acadian people, serving not only as a reminder of where they’ve been, but as an illustration of how vibrant they are today. The event is proof of our strength as a group and our openness to the world, as our Acadie is becoming more modern and dynamic. 

History of the CMA 
•    1994 Southeast (New Brunswick) 
•    1999 Louisiana 
•    2004 Nova Scotia
•    2009 Acadian Peninsula (New Brunswick) 
•    2014 Madawaska (New Brunswick) / Maine (USA) / Témiscouata (Quebec) 
•    2019 Prince Edward Island and Southeast New Brunswick

The Congrès mondial acadien is a tool that we acquired, as a people, to propel ourselves towards our future. This popular gathering is an opportunity to highlight our strengths, and learn more about our culture. Who are we and where do we want to go? 

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95 Rochford Street
P.O. Box 2000,
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

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