Employee Directory

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 131 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Doiron, Lyndon
Housing Officer
Housing, Land and Communities
PEI Housing Corporation
Housing Services
Tel: (902) 303-3851 Fax: (902) 438-4191 ljdoiron@gov.pe.ca
Donovan, Lorna
Administrative Assistant to Director
Housing, Land and Communities
Tel: 902-368-6869 Fax: 902-368-5526 lidonovan@gov.pe.ca
Dooks, Jeffrey
Maintainance Plumber
Housing, Land and Communities
PEI Housing Corporation
Housing Services
Tel: 902-394-1385 jbdooks@ihis.org
Dowling, Lynnann
Administrative Support Worker
Housing, Land and Communities
PEI Housing Corporation
Housing Services
Tel: 902-288-1498 Fax: 902-368-3394 ldowling@ihis.org
Doyle, Jason
Director of Housing Operations
Housing, Land and Communities
PEI Housing Corporation
Housing Services
Tel: 902-213-1861 jdoyle@gov.pe.ca
Doyle, Natalie
Senior Municipal Advisor
Housing, Land and Communities
Municipal Affairs
Tel: 1-902-368-5892 ndoyle@gov.pe.ca
Dyment, Rose
Housing Officer
Housing, Land and Communities
PEI Housing Corporation
Housing Services
Tel: 902-432-2567 ridyment@gov.pe.ca
Eastman, Ashley
Policy Coordinator
Je parle français
Housing, Land and Communities
Municipal Affairs
Tel: 902-218-4178 ameastman@gov.pe.ca
Edzeame, Carol
Administrative & Data Officer
Housing, Land and Communities
Municipal Affairs
Cell: 902-288-1638 caroledzeame@GOV.PE.CA
Eisnor, Trevor
Building Official
Housing, Land and Communities
Inspection Services
Tel: 1-800-370-3977 Fax: 902-368-5526 teisnor@gov.pe.ca