Employee Directory

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Displaying 1 - 10 of 62 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Anderson, Courtney
HR Assistant
Workforce, Advanced Learning and Population

Fisheries, Tourism, Sport and Culture

Economic Development, Innovation and Trade
Finance and Administration
Human Resources
Tel: 902-368-5518 Fax: 902-894-0342 chanderson@gov.pe.ca
Bellefleur, Nicole
Workforce, Advanced Learning and Population
Post Secondary and Continuing Education
Tel: 902-368-5360 Fax: 902-368-6144 nmbellefleur@gov.pe.ca
Birt, Rachel A
Jobs for Youth Coordinator/Seasonal Hiring Officer
Workforce, Advanced Learning and Population
Employment Development Agency
Tel: 902-620-3676 Fax: 902-838-0975 rbirt@gov.pe.ca
Bliss, Michelle BBA, DPA
Researcher, Administrative Officer, Web Content Administrator
Workforce, Advanced Learning and Population
Interministerial Women's Secretariat
Tel: 902-368-6494 mjbliss@gov.pe.ca
Burke, Jennifer
Administrative Assistant
Workforce, Advanced Learning and Population
Workforce Development
Tel: 902-368-4460 Fax: 902-368-6144 jdburke@gov.pe.ca
Cairns-Burke, Jennifer
Provincial Manager Family Violence Prevention & Community Development
Workforce, Advanced Learning and Population
Interministerial Women's Secretariat
Tel: 902-213-5919 jacairns@gov.pe.ca
Cashell, Fiona
Gender and Diversity Policy Analyst
Workforce, Advanced Learning and Population
Interministerial Women's Secretariat
Conboy, Eileen
Sexual Violence and Prevention Response Coordinator
Workforce, Advanced Learning and Population
Interministerial Women's Secretariat
Cormier, Cynthia
Policy Coordinator
Workforce, Advanced Learning and Population
Post Secondary and Continuing Education
Cusack, Erin
DELL - Interministerial Women's Secretariat Gender and Diversity Policy Analyst
Workforce, Advanced Learning and Population
Interministerial Women's Secretariat
Tel: 902-213-5681 eecusack@gov.pe.ca