Employee Directory

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Displaying 1 - 10 of 88 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Abrey, Anne Marie
Classification Consultant
Public Service Commission
Staffing, Classification and Organizational Development
Tel: 902-368-4196 Fax: 902-368-4383 amabrey@gov.pe.ca
Affleck, Rae-Anne
HR Manager
Social Development and Seniors

Public Service Commission
HR Management and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-569-7568 Fax: 902-894-0242 RaeAffleck@gov.pe.ca
Allen, Emily
Staffing Consultant
Je parle français
Public Service Commission
Staffing, Classification and Organizational Development
Tel: 902-368-5938 emallen@gov.pe.ca
Auld, Mary
Admin Support Worker
Public Service Commission
Tel: 902-368-5491 mjauld@gov.pe.ca
Bambrick, Angie
HR/Admin Assistant
Public Service Commission
Administration, Corporate HRMS and Payroll
Tel: 1-902-368-4163 Fax: 1-902-620-3346 ambambrick@gov.pe.ca
Barlow, Matt
Bilingual Learning and Development Administrator
Je parle français
Public Service Commission
Staffing, Classification and Organizational Development
Tel: 902-368-6175 mbarlow@gov.pe.ca
Barrett, Sharon
Administrative Support
Public Service Commission
Staffing, Classification and Organizational Development
Tel: (902) 569-7555 Fax: (902) 368-4383 slbarrett@gov.pe.ca
Brown, Jeremy
Peoplesoft Functional Support Specialist
Public Service Commission
Administration, Corporate HRMS and Payroll
Tel: 902-288-1420 jeremybrown@gov.pe.ca
Clow, Donnie
Health Sector Staffing Consultant
Public Service Commission
Staffing, Classification and Organizational Development
Tel: (902) 888-8031 Fax: (902) 888-8083 DGCLOW@gov.pe.ca
Cole, Kerri
Human Resource Officer
Public Service Commission
Tel: 902-438-4821 klcole@gov.pe.ca