Employee Directory
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Displaying 1 - 20 of 85 records.
Name / Title | Organization / Division / Section | Contact | |
Arsenault, Ashley
Acting Strategic Sourcing Officer |
Health PEI Financial Services Materials Management |
Tel: 902-213-2279 Fax: 902-438-4271 | alarsenault@ihis.org |
Arsenault, Julie A
Accounts Receivable Supervisor |
Health PEI Financial Services Comptroller's Office |
Tel: (902) 620-3153 Fax: (902) 620-3162 | jaarsenault@ihis.org |
Arsenault, Tara J
Accounts Receivable Finance Clerk |
Health PEI Financial Services Comptroller's Office |
Tel: 902-438-4529 Fax: 902-438-4381 | tjarsenault@ihis.org |
Barbour, Karen R
Buyer - Prince |
Health PEI Financial Services Materials Management |
Tel: 902-853-8695 Fax: 902-853-8694 | krbarbour@ihis.org |
Barnes, Ross
Strategic Sourcing Manager |
Health PEI Financial Services Materials Management |
Tel: 902-598-8858 Fax: 902-894-2384 | rhbarnes@ihis.org |
Barwise, Mary Ellen
Print Tech |
Health PEI Financial Services Materials Management |
Tel: 902-894-2023 Fax: 902-894-2373 | mebarwise@ihis.org |
Bitar, George
Manager |
Health PEI Financial Services Materials Management |
Tel: 902-894-2096 Fax: 902-894-2384 | gbitar@ihis.org |
Boutilier, Bruce
Accounts Receivable Finance Clerk |
Health PEI Financial Services Comptroller's Office |
Tel: 902-894-0106 Fax: 902-894-2279 | bjboutilier@ihis.org |
Brown, Kelley
Strategic Sourcing Officer |
Health PEI Financial Services Materials Management |
Tel: 902-894-2970 Fax: 902-894-2384 | klbrown@ihis.org |
Bryanton, Jillian
Administrative Assistant |
Health PEI Financial Services |
Tel: 902-368-6196 Fax: 902-368-4974 | jmbryanton@ihis.org |
Bryenton, Beverley
Accounts Receivable Finance Clerk |
Health PEI Financial Services Comptroller's Office |
Tel: 902-894-0140 Fax: 902-894-2279 | bmbryenton@ihis.org |
Butler, Donna D
Strategic Sourcing Officer |
Health PEI Financial Services Materials Management |
Tel: 902-916-0345 Fax: 902-894-2384 | ddbutler@ihis.org |
Byrne, Robert K
Out-of-Province Claims Clerk |
Health PEI Financial Services Comptroller's Office |
Tel: 902-838-0915 Fax: 902-838-0940 | rkbyrne@ihis.org |
Callbeck, Sandra
Strategic Sourcing Officer |
Health PEI Financial Services Materials Management |
Tel: 902-916-0685 Fax: 902-894-2384 | sscallbeck@ihis.org |
Clements-MacSwain, Brenda B
In-Province Claims Clerk |
Health PEI Financial Services Comptroller's Office |
Tel: 902-838-0916 Fax: 902-838-0940 | abclements@ihis.org |
Coffin, Troy J
HFS Consultant |
Health PEI Financial Services Fiscal Planning and Audit |
Tel: 902-620-3233 Fax: 902-368-6136 | tjcoffin@ihis.org |
Corish, Karan M
Financial Officer |
Health PEI Financial Services Comptroller's Office |
Tel: 902-620-3154 Fax: 902-620-3162 | kmcorish@ihis.org |
Crozier, Steven B
Fiscal Analyst/Auditor |
Health PEI Financial Services Fiscal Planning and Audit |
Tel: 902-368-4992 Fax: 902-368-6136 | sbcrozier@gov.pe.ca |
Curley, Shawn J
Inventory Supervisor East |
Health PEI Financial Services Materials Management |
Tel: 902-894-2077 Fax: 902-894-2971 | shcurley@ihis.org |
Derry, Seanah
Accounts Receivable Finance Clerk |
Health PEI Financial Services Comptroller's Office |
Tel: 902-620-3151 Fax: 902-620-3162 | scderry@ihis.org |