Employee Directory
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Displaying 1 - 200 of 323 records.
Name / Title | Organization / Division / Section | Contact | |
Acorn, Jagger
AccessAbility Supports Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs Social Assistance/AccessAbility Supports Program |
Tel: 902-368-5997 Fax: 902-368-6443 | jtacorn@ihis.org |
Affleck, Rae-Anne
HR Manager |
Social Development and Seniors Public Service Commission HR Management and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-569-7568 Fax: 902-894-0242 | RaeAffleck@gov.pe.ca |
Agon, Natalie
Intern |
Social Development and Seniors |
Tel: (902) 620-3916 Fax: (902) 620-3917 | nagon@ihis.org |
Aguila, Sandra
Accessability Assessor, OT |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
sjaguila@gov.pe.ca | |
Al-Qaysi, Yousif
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-368-6890 | yalqaysi@ihis.org |
Anderson , Katrina
School Mental Health Clinician |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-368-6982 Fax: 902-368-6186 | keanderson@gov.pe.ca |
Arbing, Jane
Child in Care Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Child Protection Services |
Tel: 902-432-2133 Fax: 902-888-8144 | jaarbing@ihis.org |
Arbing, Jenna
Accessibility Supports |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs Social Assistance/AccessAbility Supports Program |
Tel: 902-368-4674 Fax: 902-368-6440 | jlaarbing@ihis.org |
Arsenault, Aimee
Child Care Subsidy Coordinator Je parle français |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-888-8122 902-859-8824 902-432-2512 Fax: 902-888-8398 | asarsenault@ihis.org |
Arsenault, Elaine
Administrative Support Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-888-8122 Fax: 902-888-8398 | edarsenault@gov.pe.ca |
Arsenault, Jessica
Supervisor - AccessAbility Supports East |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-213-3024 Fax: 902-888-8398 | jessicaarsenault@gov.pe.ca |
Arsenault, Keisha
Administrative Support Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs Social Assistance/AccessAbility Supports Program |
Tel: 902-859-8811 Fax: 902-859-8780 | keishaarsenault@ihis.org |
Arsenault, Matthew
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-368-6890 | mattarsenault@ihis.org |
Arsenault, Robyn
Provincial Policy and Program Development Lead |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-368-4639 | rarsenault@ihis.org |
Arsenault, Sandra R
Child Subsidy Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-888-8122 Fax: 902-888-8398 | sarsenault@gov.pe.ca |
Arsenault, Shawna H.
Budget Supervisor |
Social Development and Seniors Finance Treasury Board Secretariat Corporate Finance |
Tel: 902-368-4165 | sharsenault@ihis.org |
Arsenault, Tina
Admin Support |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-859-8831 Fax: 902-859-8780 | tvarsenault@gov.pe.ca |
Aylward, Karen
Family Service Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: (902) 368-5330 Fax: (902) 368-6186 | kaaylward@gov.pe.ca |
Baker, Emma
Social Supports Coordinator, Social Programs |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-838-0705 Fax: 902-838-0727 | embaker@ihis.org |
Banfield, Colin
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-439-4411 | cbanfield@ihis.org |
Barry, Wayne
Fiscal Analyst |
Social Development and Seniors |
Fax: 902-892-0224 | wbarry@ihis.org |
Bassett, Shelly
Program Supervisor |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: (902) 831-7905 | sabassett@ihis.org |
Beagan, Jill
Child Protection Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-288-1468 Fax: 902-368-6898 | jibeagan@gov.pe.ca |
Beagan, Theresa
Administrative Support Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: (902) 368-5330 Fax: (902) 368-6186 | tmbeagan@gov.pe.ca |
Beckingham, Greg
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-676-3246 Fax: 902-676-3230 | gbeckingham@ihis.org |
Bell, David
Child Protection Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: (902) 368-5330 Fax: (902) 368-6186 | djbell@gov.pe.ca |
Bernard, Kristi
AccessAbility Supports Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-888-8122 Fax: 902-888-8398 | klbernard@gov.pe.ca |
Bernard, Mary Jo
Access Ability Supports Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-888-8122 Fax: 902-888-8398 | mjbernard@ihis.org |
Bias-Ledesma, Aquila
Finance Officer |
Social Development and Seniors Finance Treasury Board Secretariat |
Cell: 902-368-6452 Fax: 902-569-7622 | atbiasledesma@ihis.org |
Binns, Brad J.
Research and Economic Analyst |
Social Development and Seniors Strategy, Policy and Seniors |
Tel: 902-368-4567 Fax: 902-894-0242 | bjbinns@gov.pe.ca |
Blaisdell, Halen |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-838-2220 | hblaisdell@ihis.org |
Blanchard-Graham, Amy
Agente de logement Je parle français |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-853-0334 Fax: 902-853-8625 | avgraham@gov.pe.ca |
Bourque, Matt
Post Adoption Services Consultant |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Adoption Services |
Tel: 902-368-6139 Fax: 902-620-3422 | mjbourque@gov.pe.ca |
Bourque, Will
Child Protection Case Aide |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-288-1467 | wjbourque@ihis.org |
Bovaird, Justine
Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-888-8150 Fax: 902-888-8085 | jibovaird@ihis.org |
Bradley, Emma
Child Protection Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-368-6371 902-213-4709 | ebradley@ihis.org |
Brothers, Sophie
Child and Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-676-3224 | sebrothers@ihis.org |
Bulger, Mary Ann
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-724-2970 | maryannbulger@ihis.org |
Bungay, Annie |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Child Protection Services |
Tel: (902) 569-7624 | abbungay@ihis.org |
Burke, Ben
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Family Ties |
Tel: 902-676-3242 Fax: 902-676-3241 | bburke@ihis.org |
Burns, Theresa
Intake Assessment Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-218-2465 Fax: 902-368-6443 | taburns@gov.pe.ca |
Burt, Jaryd
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-676-3242 Fax: 902-676-3241 | jsburt@ihis.org |
Bushey, Charlene
AccessAbility Supports Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 569-7659 Fax: (902) 368-6443 | mcbushey@gov.pe.ca |
Bussey, Keitha
Student Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Child Protection Services |
kbussey@ihis.org | |
Butler, Paige
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
pembutler@ihis.org | |
Cameron-Macdonald, Trish
Director of Finance |
Social Development and Seniors |
Tel: 902-368-6109 Fax: 902-894-0242 | pjcameronmacdonald@gov.pe.ca |
Cameron-McDonald, Patricia CPA, CA
Director of Finance |
Social Development and Seniors |
Tel: 902-368-6109 Fax: 902-894-0242 | pjcameronmcdonald@gov.pe.ca |
Campbell, Elizabeth
Family Service Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: (902) 838-0703 Fax: (902) 838-0724 | eacampbell@gov.pe.ca |
Campbell, Jamie
AccessAbility Supports Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-368-6440 Fax: 902-368-6443 | jamiecampbell@ihis.org |
Campbell, Mallory
Social Assistance Case Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 838-0709 Fax: (902) 838-0727 | malcampbell@gov.pe.ca |
Campbell, Shelley
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-676-3243 | shelleycampbell@ihis.org |
Cantwell, Alexandrea
Social Assistance Caseworker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 888-8122 Fax: (902) 888-8398 | ascantwell@ihis.org |
Carr , Laurie
Administrative Support to the Provincial Social Programs Divisional Team |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-368-5239 | lcarr@Ihis.org |
Casford, Shaelyn
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-831-7905 | shaelyncasford@ihis.org |
Chiasson-Lawlor, Tracy
Provincial Manager of Operations Je parle français |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
tlchiasson-lawlor@ihis.org | |
Clarke, Stacey
Social Supports Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-888-8122 Fax: 902-888-8398 | slclark@gov.pe.ca |
Cole, Shelley
Director of Social Programs |
Social Development and Seniors |
Tel: 902-368-6446 Fax: 902-894-0242 | slcole@ihis.org |
Collings, Mary Francis
Social Development and Seniors |
Tel: 902-368-4993 Fax: 902-368-5060 | maryfcollings@ihis.org |
Conway, Ashley
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-676-3242 | afconway@gov.pe.ca |
Corish , Tracy
Accessibility Supports Supervisor - East |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 368-5904 Fax: (902) 838-0727 | tlcorish@gov.pe.ca |
Corney, Kyle
AAS Support Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-368-4674 Fax: 902-368-6443 | kylecorney@ihis.org |
Cornish, Nolan
Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-368-5330 Fax: 902-368-6186 | njcornish@gov.pe.ca |
Costain, Nick
AccessAbility Supports Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-368-6443 | npcostain@ihis.org |
Cousins, Bethany
Disability Support worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 859-8811 Fax: (902) 859-8780 | bacousins@gov.pe.ca |
Coyle, Michelle
Disability Support worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-368-6440 Fax: 902-368-6443 | mlcoyle@gov.pe.ca |
Creswell, Amy
Child Protection Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: (902) 838-0703 Fax: (902) 838-0724 | amcreswell@gov.pe.ca |
Curley, Georgie
Administrative Support Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: (902) 368-5330 Fax: (902) 368-6186 | gccurley@gov.pe.ca |
Curran, Brett
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-831-7905 | brettcurran@ihis.org |
Cusack, Amy
Prov. Focused Intervention Supervisor |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-888-8100 Fax: 902-888-8085 | amcusack@gov.pe.ca |
Daley, Andrew
AccessAbility Supports Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-859-8811 Fax: 902-859-8780 | atsdaley@gov.pe.ca |
Darte, Susan
Social Assistance Case Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 368-6440 Fax: (902) 368-6443 | sedarte@gov.pe.ca |
Deagle, Amy
Administrative Support Worker |
Social Development and Seniors |
Tel: 902-859-8814 Fax: 902-859-8780 | aadeagle@ihis.org |
Deighan, Kimberley
AccessAbility Supports Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-888-8122 Fax: 902-888-8398 | kadeighan@gov.pe.ca |
Delaney Gallant, Dawn
Family Service Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
dcdelaneygallant@ihis.org | |
Dingwell, Cindy
Administrative Support Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 368-6690 Fax: (902) 368-6443 | cjdingwell@gov.pe.ca |
Donnelly, Kayla
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-368-6890 Fax: 902-368-3465 | kbdonnelly@ihis.org |
Donovan, Luke
AccessAbility Supports Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs Social Assistance/AccessAbility Supports Program |
Tel: 902-888-8122 Fax: 902-888-8398 | lmdonovan@ihis.org |
Doucette, Cheryl
Administrative Support Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 368-6440 Fax: (902) 368-6443 | cheryldoucette@gov.pe.ca |
Dowaraka-Persad, Yadav
Digital Signage Specialist/ Graphic Designer |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Fax: 902-368-4720 | ydpersad@gov.pe.ca |
Doyle, Kristen
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-368-5379 Fax: 902-432-2889 | kadoyle@ihis.org |
Drake, Jillian
Provincial Focussed Intervention Supervisor |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: (902) 368-5374 Fax: (902) 368-6186 | jndrake@gov.pe.ca |
Driscoll, Mary
Seniors Policy Advisor |
Social Development and Seniors Strategy, Policy and Seniors Office of Seniors |
Tel: 902-620-3785 Toll-free: 902-894-0242 | midriscoll@ihis.org |
Edwards, Jill
Senior Communications Officer |
Social Development and Seniors Minister's Office |
Tel: 902-218-4059 | jedwards@gov.pe.ca |
Eldershaw, Darlene
Investigation Supervisor |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Child Protection Services |
Tel: (902) 368-5352 Fax: (902) 368-6186 | dmeldershaw@gov.pe.ca |
Ellsworth, Kerri-Anne
Child Protection Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: (902) 859-8825 Fax: (902) 859-8780 | keellsworth@gov.pe.ca |
Evans, Debbie
Child In Care Supervisor |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-368-5363 Fax: 902-368-6186 | ddevans@gov.pe.ca |
Eynon, Doreen
Administrative Support Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 368-6440 Fax: (902) 368-6443 | dleynon@gov.pe.ca |
Feener, Mikayla
Child and Youth Care Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-838-2220 | mefeener@ihis.org |
Ferguson, Judy
Administrative Support Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 368-6440 Fax: (902) 368-6443 | jferguson@gov.pe.ca |
Flanagan, Kim
AccessAbility Supports Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-620-3936 Cell: 902-218-1560 Fax: 902-368-6443 | kaflanagan@gov.pe.ca |
French, Donna
Administrative Support Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 368-6440 Fax: (902) 368-6443 | ddfrench@gov.pe.ca |
Furjan-MacLean, Daniele
Child Protection Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: (902) 368-5330 Fax: (902) 368-6186 | dlfurjanmaclean@gov.pe.ca |
Gallant, Kimberley
Family Resource Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: (902) 888-8100 Fax: (902) 888-8085 | kjgallant@gov.pe.ca |
Gamble-Desroches, Traceylee
Administrative Support Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 888-8122 Fax: (902) 888-8398 | tlgamble@gov.pe.ca |
Gardiner, Darlene
Administrative Support Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 838-0700 Fax: (902) 838-0727 | dtgardiner@gov.pe.ca |
Gaudet, Mike
Manager - Residential Services |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-368-4960 Fax: 902-368-4864 | mjgaudet@gov.pe.ca |
Gaudet, Zach
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Child Protection Services |
Tel: 902-676-3246 Fax: 902-676-3238 | zgaudet@ihis.org |
Gill, Brianna
Child Protection Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Child Protection Services |
Tel: 902-368-5982 | bmgill@ihis.org |
Gill, Olivia
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
ocgill@ihis.org | |
Gillis, Crystal
Administrative Support Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: (902) 368-5330 Fax: (902) 368-6186 | cgillis@gov.pe.ca |
Gormley, Jonathon
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-724-2970 | jgormley@ihis.org |
Green, Adele
Administrative Support Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 838-0726 Fax: (902) 838-0727 | afgreen@gov.pe.ca |
Green, Cassidy
Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-368-5373 Fax: 902-368-6898 | cbgreen@ihis.org |
Green, Katherine
Disclosure Specialist |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Child Protection Services |
Tel: 902-368-6481 | kgreen@ihis.org |
Grimmer, John
Accountant |
Social Development and Seniors Finance Treasury Board Secretariat |
Tel: 902-368-5684 Fax: 902-569-7622 | jgrimmer@ihis.org |
Halley, Mette
Social Assistance Case Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 838-0700 Fax: (902) 838-0727 | mvhalley@gov.pe.ca |
Halliday, Rhianna
Social Supports Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-368-5321 | rehalliday@ihis.org |
Hamilton, Chole
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-838-2220 | cshamilton@ihis.org |
Hamlin, Pauline
Administrative Support Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 888-8122 Fax: (902) 888-8398 | pmhamlin@gov.pe.ca |
Harper, Jennifer
Administrative Support |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-859-8811 Fax: 902-859-8780 | jeharper@gov.pe.ca |
Harrison , Verley
AccessAbility Supports Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 368-5359 Fax: (902) 368-6443 | vharrison@gov.pe.ca |
Heisler, Kayla |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-831-7931 | kmheisler@ihis.org |
Hennebery, Teresa
Deputy Minister |
Social Development and Seniors Minister's Office |
Tel: 902-368-6520 | teresahennebery@ihis.org |
Henthorne, Mike
Manager of Children Services |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-569-7603 Fax: 902-620-3362 | mrhenthorn@gov.pe.ca |
Hickey, Chris
Social Supports Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-368-5245 Fax: 902-368-6443 | cphickey@ihis.org |
Hiscock, Laurie
Social Supports Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-888-8122 Fax: 902-888-8398 | lvhiscock@gov.pe.ca |
Hogan, Ben B.
Admin Support |
Social Development and Seniors Finance Treasury Board Secretariat Corporate Finance |
Tel: 902-368-4944 Fax: 902-569-7622 | bbhogan@ihis.org |
Holmes, Barbara
Reception |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-368-6440 Fax: 902-368-6443 | baholmes@gov.pe.ca |
Hood, Elijah
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-676-3242 Fax: 902-676-3241 | etjhood@gov.pe.ca |
Hood, Seth
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-676-3246 Fax: 902-676-3238 | shood@ihis.org |
Hooper, Karen
Social Assistance Case Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 368-6440 Fax: (902) 368-6443 | kahooper@gov.pe.ca |
Hopkins, Deanna
Child Care Subsidy Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
dlhopkins@ihis.org | |
Hume, Jill
Manager of Child Protection |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-368-6161 Fax: 902-620-3362 | jbhume@gov.pe.ca |
Inman, Carol
Administrative Support Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-888-8122 Fax: 902-888-8398 | clinman@ihis.org |
Isaac, Donna
Provincial Child Protection Supervisor |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: (902) 859-8813 Fax: (902) 859-8780 | dmisaac@gov.pe.ca |
Jackson, Denise
Disclosure Specialist |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Child Protection Services |
Tel: 902-368-6586 | denisejackson@ihis.org |
Jackson, Donna
Finance Clerk |
Social Development and Seniors Finance Treasury Board Secretariat Corporate Finance |
Tel: 902-368-4944 Fax: 902-569-7622 | djackson@ihis.org |
Jamieson, Cheryl
Children’s Services Manager |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Adoption Services |
Tel: 902-368-6514 Fax: 902-620-3422 | cheryljamieson@ihis.org |
Jenkins, Blaine
Social Assistance Case Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 368-6440 Fax: (902) 368-6443 | bejenkins@gov.pe.ca |
Johnston, Angela
Child Protection Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-368-5330 Fax: 902-368-6186 | axjohnston@gov.pe.ca |
Johnston, Michelle
Administrative Support Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: (902) 838-0703 Fax: (902) 902-0724 Toll-free: (877) 407-0187 | mejohnston@gov.pe.ca |
Jones, Elizabeth
Administrative Support Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-888-8122 Fax: 902-888-8398 | ejjones@gov.pe.ca |
Jones, Lori
Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: (902) 687-7063 Fax: (902) 687-7100 | lajones@gov.pe.ca |
Keenan, Melissa
Family Service Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-888-8087 Fax: 902-888-8085 | mvkeenan@gov.pe.ca |
Keenan, Stephanie E
Social Assistance Case Worker Je parle français |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-368-6441 | sekeenan@ihis.org |
Kelly, Claire
Administrative Assistant to Director |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 368-6369 Fax: (902) 894-0242 | CMKELLY@gov.pe.ca |
Kelly, Ellizabeth
Child Protection Investigation Supervisor |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: (902) 888-8102 Fax: (902) 888-8085 | egkelly@gov.pe.ca |
Kelly, Kerri
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-393-9558 | kerrikelly@ihis.org |
Kennedy, Carol
Administrative Support |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-888-8122 Fax: 902-888-8398 | carkennedy@ihis.org |
Kennedy, Samantha
Social Worker Clinician |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Family Ties |
Tel: 902-859-0254 | svkennedy@ihis.org |
Kenny, Maureen
Administrative Support Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: (902) 368-5330 Fax: (902) 368-6186 | mlkenny@gov.pe.ca |
Kerr, Ericia
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-676-3242 Fax: 902-676-3241 | ekerr@gov.pe.ca |
King, Auruna
Accessibility Support Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Fax: 902-368-6443 | avking@gov.pe.ca |
LaFrance, Lauren
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-370-2535 | lelafrance@ihis.org |
Langdon, Judy
Foster Care/Adoption Assessment Practitioner |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Adoption Services |
Tel: 902-438-4818 Fax: 902-620-3422 | jmlangdon@gov.pe.ca |
Langin, Jillann
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Child Protection Services |
Tel: 902-831-7931 Fax: 902-831-7937 | jlangin@ihis.org |
Larocque, Ethan
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-916-1406 | elarocque@ihis.org |
LeClair, Laurie
Childcare Subsidy Wkr. |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 888-8122 Fax: (902) 888-8398 | lgleclair@gov.pe.ca |
LeClair, Maggie
Admin |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
mleclair@ihis.org | |
Livingstone, Jenna
Accessibility Support |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs Social Assistance/AccessAbility Supports Program |
Tel: (902) 838-0723 | jennalivingstone@ihis.org |
Long, Lindsay
Provincial Intake Assessment Unit Supervisor |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-569-7506 | lelong@ihis.org |
Long, Meredith
Child Protection Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: (902) 569-7624 Fax: (902) 368-6186 | meredithlong@gov.pe.ca |
Long, Rose
Administrative Assistant |
Social Development and Seniors |
roselong@ihis.org | |
Lowe, Julie
Child In Care Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-838-0703 Fax: 902-838-0724 | jalowe@gov.pe.ca |
Luttrell, Elaine
Administrative Support Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-859-8811 Fax: 902-859-8780 | reluttrell@gov.pe.ca |
Lyle, Christina
Social Supports Coordinator Je parle français |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-888-8122 Fax: 902-888-8398 | calyle@ihis.org |
Lyttle, Vikki
Payroll & Benefits Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Public Service Commission HR Management and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-569-7571 Fax: 902-569-7622 | vlyttle@ihis.org |
MacArthur, Angie
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-368-5688 Fax: 902-368-6186 | admacarthur-lund@ihis.org |
MacCarville, Karen
Accessability Support Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs Social Assistance/AccessAbility Supports Program |
Tel: 902-859-8811 Fax: 902-859-8780 | krmaccarville@ihis.org |
MacDonald, Andrea
Processing |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 368-6440 Fax: (902) 368-6443 | anmacdonald@gov.pe.ca |
MacDonald, Barbara
Disability Support worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 368-6440 Fax: (902) 368-6443 | barbamacdonald@gov.pe.ca |
MacDonald, Colleen
Child Protection Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: (902) 368-5330 Fax: (902) 368-6186 | cfmacdonald@gov.pe.ca |
MacDonald, Jason
Supervisor SA/DSP Programs |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 368-4039 Fax: (902) 368-6443 | jrmacdonald@gov.pe.ca |
MacDonald, Lisa
AccessAbility Supports Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-368-6443 | lisalmacdonald@ihis.org |
MacDonald, Marlene
Executive Administrative Assistant to the Deputy Minister |
Social Development and Seniors Minister's Office |
Tel: 902-368-6520 | marlenetmacdonald@ihis.org |
MacDonald, Megan
Training and Quality Assurance Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs Social Assistance/AccessAbility Supports Program |
memccormack@ihis.org | |
MacDonald, Patrick
A/Director Social Programs |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-368-6446 Fax: 902-368-4720 | pwmacdonald@gov.pe.ca |
MacDonald-Pickering, Mary
Provincial Manager – AccessAbility Supports |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-326-1335 | mtmacdonald-pickering@gov.pe.ca |
MacDougall, Karrie
Senior Team Lead, Transition Apartments Program |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-370-8147 Cell: 902-218-8213 | kfmacdougall@gov.pe.ca |
MacDougall, Steve
Social Supports Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs Social Assistance/AccessAbility Supports Program |
Tel: 902-888-8122 Fax: 902-888-8398 | smmacdougall@ihis.org |
MacEwen, Saralie
Family Service Supervisor |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-888-8100 Fax: 902-888-8085 | sjmacewen@gov.pe.ca |
MacEwen, Stephanie
Child Protection Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: (902) 368-5330 Fax: (902) 368-6186 | smmacewen@gov.pe.ca |
MacEwen, Terri
Child Protection Investigation Supervisor |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Child Protection Services |
Tel: 902-368-5352 Fax: 902-368-6186 | terrimacewen@gov.pe.ca |
MacFadyen, Rebecca
AccessAbility Supports Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-859-8811 Fax: 902-859-8780 | rjmacfadyen@ihis.org |
MacIntyre, Judy
Intake Screener |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 838-0700 Fax: (902) 838-0727 | jmmacintyre@gov.pe.ca |
MacIsaac, Michelle
Child Protection Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-368-5330 Fax: 902-368-6186 | mdmacisaac@gov.pe.ca |
MacIsaac, Stephen
Provincial Focussed Intervention Supervisor |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: (902) 368-6376 Fax: (902) 368-6186 | sgmacisaac@gov.pe.ca |
MacKay, Mary
AccessAbility Supports Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-888-8122 Fax: 902-888-8398 | mkmackay@gov.pe.ca |
MacKenzie, Sherri
HR Assistant |
Social Development and Seniors Public Service Commission HR Management and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-569-7569 Fax: 902-894-0242 | smackenzie@gov.pe.ca |
MacKinnon, Gail
Admin Support |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs Social Assistance/AccessAbility Supports Program |
Tel: 902-368-5996 Fax: 902-368-6443 | gmackinnon@ihis.org |
MacKinnon, Kathy S.
Exec. Admin Support |
Social Development and Seniors Finance Treasury Board Secretariat Corporate Finance |
Tel: 902-368-4572 Fax: 902-569-7622 | ksmackinnon@ihis.org |
MacLeod, Kim
Resource Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-368-5330 Fax: 902-368-6186 | ksmacleod@gov.pe.ca |
MacLeod, Penny
Child Protection Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: (902) 368-5330 Fax: (902) 368-6186 | plmacleod@gov.pe.ca |
MacNeill, Kathy
Social Supports Coordinator |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: 902-859-8811 Fax: 902-859-8780 | ksmacneill@gov.pe.ca |
MacNeill, Shaun
Director, Strategy, Policy and Seniors |
Social Development and Seniors Strategy, Policy and Seniors |
Tel: 902-368-5199 | smacneill@gov.pe.ca |
MacNevin, Emily
Provincial Manager of Residential Services |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs Social Assistance/AccessAbility Supports Program |
Tel: 902-213-8614 | ejmacnevin@ihis.org |
MacPherson, Lisa
Child Protection Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-288-1470 Fax: 902-838-0724 | lmmacpherson@gov.pe.ca |
MacPherson, Susan
Social Assistance Case Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 368-6440 Fax: (902) 368-6443 | sbmacpherson@gov.pe.ca |
MacSween, Jaime
Administrative Support |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs Social Assistance/AccessAbility Supports Program |
Tel: (902) 368-5317 Fax: (902) 368-6440 | jwmacsween@ihis.org |
MacWilliams, Kelly
Child Protection Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-368-5387 Fax: 902-368-6186 | kgmacwilliams@gov.pe.ca |
Mahar, Debbie
Family Service Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: (902) 687-7063 Fax: (902) 687-7100 | dmmahar@gov.pe.ca |
Malone, Angela
Child Protection Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: (902) 368-6371 Fax: (902) 368-6186 | armalone@gov.pe.ca |
Mateo, Florence
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-676-3224 | femateo@ihis.org |
Mathew, Anitha
Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Child Protection Services |
Tel: 825-461-2300 Fax: 902-368-6186 | aamathew@ihis.org |
McAdam-Young, Raymond
Program Supervisor |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: (902) 676-3243 Fax: (902) 676-3241 | rmcadamyoung@ihis.org |
McCarville, Shelly
Administrative Support Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Social Programs |
Tel: (902) 687-7170 Fax: (902) 687-7100 | samccarville@gov.pe.ca |
McGregor, Devon
Child in Care Social Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services |
Tel: 902-368-5363 Fax: 902-368-6186 | djmcgregor@ihis.org |
McInnis, Mary
Administrative Assistant |
Social Development and Seniors Strategy, Policy and Seniors |
Tel: (902) 368-6256 Fax: (902) 894-0242 | MAMCINNIS@gov.pe.ca |
McKee, Kali
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-676-3242 | kamckee@ihis.org |
McKinnon, Claire
Youth Worker |
Social Development and Seniors Child and Family Services Residential Services |
Tel: 902-676-3224 | clairemckinnon@ihis.org |