Employee Directory

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  • Position title, i.e. deputy minister or administrative assistant
Displaying 1 - 40 of 96 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Adams, Katie
HR Analyst
Health PEI
Human Resources
HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development
Tel: 902-916-1346 katieadams@ihis.org
Aitken, Lisa
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-213-5294 laitken@ihis.org
Allen, Jennifer
HR Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-687-7150 Fax: 902-687-7175 jenniferallen@gov.pe.ca
Arsenault, Christine
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-432-2643 Fax: 902-438-4381 christinearsenault@ihis.org
Arsenault, Elise
French Language Services Analyst
Je parle français
Health PEI
Human Resources
Talent Management
Tel: 902-854-7441 902-314-2272 Fax: 902-368-4969 elisearsenault@ihis.org
Arsenault, Sarah
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: (902) 853-8661 Fax: (902) 853-0408 saraharsenault@ihis.org
Austin, Andrew
HR Manager - Long-Term Care/Central
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-218-5174 aaustin@ihis.org
Bailey, Dodi
HR Manager - East
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-687-7150 Fax: 902-687-7175 dlbailey@ihis.org
Bain, Denise
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-368-5413 Fax: 902-368-4969 dmbain@ihis.org
Barnes, Kari
Health PEI
Human Resources
HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development
Tel: 902-213-4823 kbarnes@ihis.org
Berube, Bruno
HR Manager - Medical Affairs
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Blacquiere, Marshall
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Talent Management
Bruce, Melanie
HR Manager
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-218-5174 melaniebruce@ihis.org
Bulger, Jennifer M
HR Coordinator
Je parle français
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-438-4531 Fax: 902-438-4511 jmbulger@ihis.org
Carmody, Serena A
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-894-2354 Fax: 902-894-0259 serenacarmody@ihis.org
Christie, Ali
Director, Human Resources
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Darrach, Marina
Wellness Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Tel: 902-303-3117 mrryan@ihis.org
De Jong, Lucy
HR Manager - QEH
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-894-2367 Fax: 902-894-2424 ldejong@ihis.org
Driscoll, Katlyn
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Talent Management
Tel: 902-620-3160 Fax: 902-368-4969 kmdriscoll@ihis.org
Driscoll, Marion E
Payroll Manager
Health PEI
Human Resources
HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development
Tel: 902-218-2604 medriscoll@ihis.org
Ellis, Allison
HR Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-894-2479 Fax: 902-894-2424 abellis@ihis.org
Fall, Laura
HR Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-368-5375 Fax: 902-368-4969 lmfall@ihis.org
Feng, Li
Settlement and Immigration Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Talent Management
Fitzpatrick, Tanya
HR Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-894-2112 Fax: 902-894-2424 tefitzpatrick@gov.pe.ca
Fortin, Agnes
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-772-7952 asfortin@gov.pe.ca
Gallant, Karen
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-438-4040 Fax: 902-438-4511 karengallant@gov.pe.ca
Gallant, Nicholas
Safety Officer
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Gilbank, Colleen
Project Manager
Health PEI
Human Resources
Talent Management
Tel: 902-218-6541 crgilbank@ihis.org
Gilbert, Doran
HR Coordinator Long Term Care West
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-438-4531 Fax: 902-438-4511 dgilbert@ihis.org
Gilmour, JD
Manager, Employee Abilities and Return to Work
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Tel: 902-439-4298 Fax: 902-368-4969 jgilmour@ihis.org
Gonzales, Shian
LR Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-368-6890 sgonzales@ihis.org
Gray, Shelley C
Payroll Auditor
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-916-0253 sgray@ihis.org
Gunathilake, Gayani
Employee Abilities and Return to Work Consultant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Tel: 902-213-4779 ggunathilake@ihis.org
Harris, Lanea
Employee Health Nurse
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Tel: 902-213-4792 lcharris@ihis.org
Haywood, Laura
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-853-8660 Fax: 902-853-0408 lshaywood@ihis.org
Holmes, Meaghan
HR Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-438-4535 Fax: 902-438-4511 mxholmes@ihis.org
Humphrey, Rosalind
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-687-7150 Fax: 902-687-7175 rehumphrey@ihis.org
Jones Clements, Sarah
Employee Health Nurse
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Tel: 902-213-5438 sbjonesclements@ihis.org
Kalil, Barbara
HR Help Desk Specialist
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Kennific, Alicia
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-368-4283 Cell: 902-213-4634 akennific@ihis.org