Employee Directory
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Displaying 1 - 160 of 163 records.
Name / Title | Organization / Division / Section | Contact | |
Middleton, Ian
Shellfish Crew Supervisor |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action |
Tel: (902) 394-7122 | iemiddleton@gov.pe.ca |
Miller, Christine
Jr. Policy Analyst |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action PEI Energy Corporation |
christinemiller@gov.pe.ca | |
Mitchell, Scott
Hazardous Materials and Remediation Specialist |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Environment Regulatory Environmental Land Management |
Tel: 902-368-5700 Fax: 902-368-5830 | rsmitchell@gov.pe.ca |
Monaghan, Randy
Enviromental Officer |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Environment Regulatory Environmental Land Management |
Tel: 902-314-6470 | rwmonaghan@gov.pe.ca |
Montigny, Mike
Manager, Field Services |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Forests, Fish and Wildlife Field Services |
Tel: (902) 368-4709 Fax: (902) 368-4713 | mmontigny@gov.pe.ca |
Morin, Jean-Sebastien
Bilingual Policy and Planning Analyst Je parle français |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Acadian and Francophone Affairs Secretariat |
Tel: 902-569-7592 | jsmorin@gov.pe.ca |
Murphy, Bradley
Net Zero Project Officer |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Sustainability Office of Net Zero |
Tel: 902-218-2793 | bmurphy@gov.pe.ca |
Murphy, Chelsie
Finance Supervisor |
Justice and Public Safety Finance and Corporate Services Finance Treasury Board Secretariat Corporate Finance Environment, Energy and Climate Action Finance and Corporate Services |
Tel: 902-368-6611 Fax: 902-368-5830 | chelsiemurphy@ihis.org |
Myers, Mary N.
Manager, Production Development |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Forests, Fish and Wildlife Production Development |
Tel: (902) 368-4711 Fax: (902) 368-4713 | mnmyers@gov.pe.ca |
Nguyen, Steven
Lab Technician |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Environment Regulatory PEI Analytical Laboratories |
Tel: 902-894-0272 Fax: 902-563-7778 | stanguyen@gov.pe.ca |
Nishimura, Peter
Manager, Climate Adaptation |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Sustainability Climate Adaptation |
Tel: 902-620-3232 Fax: 902-369-5830 | pnishimura@gov.pe.ca |
Parsons, Brooke
BIL Administrative Assistant |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Acadian and Francophone Affairs Secretariat |
Tel: 902-288-1678 | brookexparsons@gov.pe.ca |
Perry, Darlene
Administrative Support Worker |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Environment Regulatory PEI Analytical Laboratories |
Tel: 902-620-3301 Fax: 902-563-7778 | dperry@gov.pe.ca |
Peters, Michael
Forestry Equipment Supervisor |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Forests, Fish and Wildlife Production Development |
Tel: (902) 368-4704 Fax: (902) 368-4713 | mwpeters@gov.pe.ca |
Phillips, Craig
Private Forest Technician |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action |
Tel: 902-218-1490 | craigphillips@gov.pe.ca |
Pinkham, Sandra
Laboratory Technician |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Environment Regulatory PEI Analytical Laboratories |
Tel: 902-894-0272 Fax: 902-563-7778 | spinkham@gov.pe.ca |
Potter, Brad
Manager, Fish and Wildlife |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Forests, Fish and Wildlife Fish and Wildlife |
Tel: (902) 368-5111 Fax: (902) 368-4713 | bdpotter@gov.pe.ca |
Proulx, Kimberley
Resource Inventory Technician |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Forests, Fish and Wildlife Resource Inventory and Modelling |
Tel: (902) 894-0357 Fax: (902) 368-4713 | kxproulx@gov.pe.ca |
Quigley, Chad
Watercourse and Wetland Alteration Technician |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Environment Regulatory Environmental Land Management |
Tel: 902-368-5700 Fax: 902-368-5395 | cquigley@gov.pe.ca |
Rankin, Susan
Provincial Forest Technician |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Forests, Fish and Wildlife Field Services |
Tel: (902) 854-7260 Fax: (902) 854-7448 | srankin@gov.pe.ca |
Ready, Michael
Human Resources Manager |
Public Service Commission HR Management and Labour Relations Environment, Energy and Climate Action Minister's Office Agriculture Finance Human Resources |
Tel: 902-569-0549 | mcready@gov.pe.ca |
Richard, Matthew
Energy Solutions Advisor |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Sustainability efficiencyPEI |
Tel: 902-620-3690 Fax: 902-620-6796 | matthewrichard@gov.pe.ca |
Robbins, Jocelyn
Contaminated Sites Technician |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Environment Regulatory Environmental Land Management |
Cell: 902-394-5312 Fax: 902-368-5830 | jarobbins@gov.pe.ca |
Robertson, Glen
Water and Air Specialist |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Environment Regulatory Water and Air Monitoring |
Tel: 902-314-0046 | gsrobertson@gov.pe.ca |
Schofield, Shawn
Ag-Environment Team Leader |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Environment Regulatory Environmental Land Management |
Tel: 902-393-5285 Fax: 902-368-5830 | seschofield@gov.pe.ca |
Sheidow, Matthew
Wildlife Technician |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Forests, Fish and Wildlife Fish and Wildlife |
Cell: 902-218-4684 | mmsheidow@gov.pe.ca |
Sherry, Lucas
On-site Septic Officer |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Environment Regulatory Drinking Water and Wastewater Management |
Tel: 902-368-5700 Fax: 902-368-5395 | lsherry@gov.pe.ca |
Sigsworth, Roxanne
Human Resources Officer |
Public Service Commission HR Management and Labour Relations Environment, Energy and Climate Action Agriculture Finance Human Resources |
Tel: 902-368-4044 | rsigsworth@gov.pe.ca |
Simmons, Jane
Enviromental Technician |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Environment Regulatory Environmental Land Management |
Fax: 902-368-5830 | jsimmons@gov.pe.ca |
Stevenson, Lowell
Provincial Forest Technician |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Forests, Fish and Wildlife Field Services |
Tel: (902) 854-7260 Fax: (902) 854-7448 | lastevenson@gov.pe.ca |
Sturz, Tony
Director,Strategic Planning and Policy Development |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Minister's Office |
Tel: 902-569-7529 Fax: 902-368-5830 | avsturz@gov.pe.ca |
Taweel, Ethan
Senior Environmental Technician |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Environment Regulatory Drinking Water and Wastewater Management |
Tel: 902-218-4267 Fax: 902-368-5830 | edtaweel@gov.pe.ca |
Thompson, Dale
Environmental Assessment Officer |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Environment Regulatory Environmental Land Management |
Tel: (902) 368-5049 Fax: (902) 368-5830 | DETHOMPSON@gov.pe.ca |
Thompson, Nick
Provincial Forest Technician |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Forests, Fish and Wildlife Field Services |
Tel: (902) 961-7296 Fax: (902) 961-7298 | ncthompson@gov.pe.ca |
Toombs, Gavin
Water Registry Technician |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Environment Regulatory Water and Air Monitoring |
Tel: (902) 213-3244 Fax: (902) 368-5830 | gbtoombs@gov.pe.ca |
Trainor, Gertrude
Marketing Coordinator |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Sustainability efficiencyPEI |
gtrainor@gov.pe.ca | |
Tremblay, Joel
Management Forester |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Forests, Fish and Wildlife Field Services |
Tel: 902-213-4185 | jdtremblay@GOV.PE.CA |
VanIderstine, Emily
Adaptation Coordinator |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Sustainability Climate Adaptation |
Tel: 902-314-5459 | evaniderstine@gov.pe.ca |
Williams, Peter
Nusery Foreman |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Forests, Fish and Wildlife Production Development |
Tel: (902) 368-4714 Fax: (902) 368-4713 | pewilliams@gov.pe.ca |
Wilson, Greg
Acting Director, Environment Regulatory Division |
Environment, Energy and Climate Action Environment Regulatory |
Tel: 902-368-5274 Fax: 902-368-5830 | gbwilson@gov.pe.ca |