Employee Directory

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  • Position title, i.e. deputy minister or administrative assistant
Displaying 1 - 163 of 163 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Yeba, Nicole
Bilingual Senior Communications Officer, Acadian and Francophone Affairs
Je parle français
Executive Council Office
Executive Council Office

Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Acadian and Francophone Affairs Secretariat
Tel: 902-218-1682 ntyeba@gov.pe.ca
Zahavich, Julie-Lynn
Forest Conservation Specialist
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Fish and Wildlife
Tel: 902-288-1291 jlzahavich@gov.pe.ca
Ziegler, Brittany
Project Officer
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Office of Net Zero
Tel: 902-288-1027 baziegler@gov.pe.ca