Employee Directory

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Displaying 1 - 40 of 113 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Acorn, Sandra
Executive Administrative Assistant to the Minister
Health and Wellness
Minister's Office
Tel: 902-368-5250 Fax: 902-368-4121 slacorn@gov.pe.ca
Adams, Meghan
Health Promoter
Health and Wellness
Chief Public Health Office
Health Promotion
Tel: 902-213-4430 Fax: 902-620-3354 meadams@ihis.org
Allen, Grace
Provincial Tobacco Coordinator
Health and Wellness
Chief Public Health Office
Health Promotion
Tel: 902-626-8026 graceallen@ihis.org
Baidoobonso, Dr. Shamara
Provincial Epidemiologist
Health and Wellness
Chief Public Health Office
Population Health Assessment and Surveillance
Tel: 902-368-4964 Fax: 902-620-3354 sbaidoobonso@ihis.org
Beazley, Brandy
Administrative Assistant
Health and Wellness
Finance and Corporate Management
Financial Services
Tel: 902-218-8031 Fax: 902-368-4224 bmbeazley@gov.pe.ca
Becker, Maria
Associate Director
Health and Wellness
Tel: 902-894-0032 mdbecker@ihis.org
Bentley, Erin
Director Public Health Policy & Planning Officer
Health and Wellness
Chief Public Health Office
Communicable Disease Program
Tel: 902-368-6190 Fax: 902-620-3354 ebentley@ihis.org
Bertelsen, Brian
Policy Analyst
Health and Wellness
Community Health and Policy
Tel: 902-213-0782 Fax: 902-368-4224 bdbertelsen@gov.pe.ca
Blanchard, Angela
EMR Advisor
Health and Wellness
Tel: 902-218-4583 amblanchard@gov.pe.ca
Bradley, Beth
Health and Wellness
Community Health and Policy
Pharmacare Program
Tel: 902-218-1282 Fax: 902-368-4905 bethbradley@ihis.org
Bradley, Deborah
Assistant Deputy Minister
Health and Wellness
Minister's Office
Tel: 902-368-4079 Fax: 902-368-4121 mdbradley@gov.pe.ca
Burns, Stacey L
Coordinator, Communicable Diseases
Health and Wellness
Chief Public Health Office
Communicable Disease Program
Tel: 902-620-3886 Fax: 902-620-3354 slburns@ihis.org
Butler, Erin
Executive Administrative Assistant to the Deputy Minister
Health and Wellness
Minister's Office
Tel: 902-368-5290 Fax: 902-368-4121 ekbutler@gov.pe.ca
Cameron, Danielle
Project Manager
Health and Wellness
Cameron, Dr. Marguerite
Health and Wellness
Chief Public Health Office
Population Health Assessment and Surveillance
Tel: 902-368-6757 Fax: 902-620-3354 mcameron@ihis.org
Cameron, Dr. Scott
Provincial Medical Director
Health and Wellness
Community Health and Policy
Emergency Health Services
Tel: 902-368-5858 slcameron@ihis.org
Campbell, Kelly
Tobacco Enforcement Officer
Health and Wellness
Chief Public Health Office
Environmental Health
Tel: 902-368-4268 Fax: 902-368-6468 kdcampbell@ihis.org
Campbell Roach, Mary Beth
Infection control
Health and Wellness
Carpenter, Angela
Program Manager, Organ & Tissue Donation
Health and Wellness
Community Health and Policy
Emergency Health Services
Tel: 902-368-5920 Fax: 902-620-3875 adcarpenter@ihis.org
Cheverie, Constance E
Manager, Operation Isolation
Health and Wellness
Chief Public Health Office
Tel: 902-368-4941 Fax: 902-620-3354 cecheverie@ihis.org
Clair, Amanda D
Administrative Officer
Health and Wellness
Community Health and Policy
Pharmacare Program
Tel: (902) 620-3288 Fax: (902) 368-4905 adclair@ihis.org
Cook, Shannon
Environmental Health Officer
Health and Wellness
Chief Public Health Office
Environmental Health
Tel: 902-213-0141 Cell: 902-213-0141 Fax: 902-368-6468 scook@ihis.org
Corish, Bonnie L
Pharmacist Consultant
Health and Wellness
Community Health and Policy
Pharmacare Program
Tel: 902-218-1282 Fax: 902-368-4905 bonniecorish@ihis.org
Court, Baxter
Health and Wellness
Tel: 902-438-4616 baxtercourt@ihis.org
Cronkhite, Emma
Pharmacy Technician
Health and Wellness
Community Health and Policy
Pharmacare Program
Tel: 902-620-3287 Fax: 902-368-4905 ecronkhite@ihis.org
Curran, Josh
Health and Wellness
Community Health and Policy
Pharmacare Program
Tel: 902-218-1267 Fax: 902-368-4905 joshpcurran@ihis.org
Cusack, Marsha D
Pharmacy Consultant
Health and Wellness
Community Health and Policy
Health Policy and Planning
Tel: 902-368-4907 Fax: 902-368-4905 mdcusack@ihis.org
De Luca, Caroline
Administrative Assistant (Je parle français)
Health and Wellness
Community Health and Policy
Tel: 902-213-5781 cdeluca@gov.pe.ca
DeMone, Mark
Director of Policy, Planning and FPT Relations
Health and Wellness
Chief Public Health Office
Tel: 902-218-1679 mxdemone@gov.pe.ca
DesRoches, Ann-Louise
Administrative Assistant - Bilingual French/English
Health and Wellness
Chief Public Health Office
Environmental Health
Tel: 902-368-4970 Fax: 902-368-6468 adesroches@ihis.org
Drake, Rachel
Administrative Support for Communicable Diseases
Health and Wellness
Chief Public Health Office
Tel: 902-370-8675 Fax: 902-620-3354 rldrake@gov.pe.ca
Drummond, Christine
Coordinator of Immunization and Vaccine Preventable Disease Program
Health and Wellness
Chief Public Health Office
Communicable Disease Program
Tel: 902-368-6114 Fax: 902-620-3354 cmdrummond@ihis.org
Duncan, Ginnie K
Administrative Officer
Health and Wellness
Community Health and Policy
Pharmacare Program
Tel: (902) 368-4633 Fax: (902) 368-4905 gkduncan@ihis.org
Edgar, Karen
Environmental Health Officer
Health and Wellness
Chief Public Health Office
Environmental Health
Tel: 902-370-8476 Fax: 902-368-6468 kmedgar@ihis.org
Ellis, Karen
Provincial Communicable Disease Coordinator
Health and Wellness
Chief Public Health Office
Communicable Disease Program
Tel: 902-314-7481 Fax: 902-620-3354 kjellis@ihis.org
Elsinga, Laurie
EHS Admin Coordinator
Health and Wellness
Community Health and Policy
Emergency Health Services
Tel: 902-368-6705 laelsinga@ihis.org
Foster, Courtney
Pharmacy Tech
Health and Wellness
Community Health and Policy
Pharmacare Program
Tel: 902-288-1290 Fax: 902-368-4905 courtneyfoster@ihis.org
Freeze, Catherine
Policy Analyst
Health and Wellness
Community Health and Policy
Tel: (902) 620-3785 CAFREEZE@gov.pe.ca
Frizzell, Blair
Digital Health Analyst
Health and Wellness
Health Innovation
Tel: 902-213-6548 bfrizzell@GOV.PE.CA
Garg, Neha
Environmental Health Officer
Health and Wellness
Chief Public Health Office
Environmental Health
Tel: 902-368-6564 Fax: 902-368-6468 ngarg@ihis.org