Employee Directory

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Displaying 1 - 120 of 163 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Gennis, Meaghan
Energy Solutions Advisor
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Ginn, Matt
Wildlife Management Biologist
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Fish and Wildlife
Tel: 902-368-4807 Fax: 902-368-4713 mginn@gov.peca
Gregory, Garry
Conservation Biologist
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Fish and Wildlife
Tel: (902) 569-7595 Fax: (902) 368-4713 ggregory@gov.pe.ca
Guindon, Matt
Private Forest Technician
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Tel: 902-368-6653 mjguindon@gov.pe.ca
Hager, Mercedes
HR Officer
Public Service Commission
HR Management and Labour Relations

Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Finance and Corporate Services
Tel: 902-368-4031 Fax: 902-368-5830 mehager@gov.pe.ca
Halliday, Andrew
Director, Policy and Planning
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Tel: 902-213-3419 andrewmhalliday@gov.pe.ca
Handrahan, Candace
Surface Water Technician Supervisor
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Water and Air Monitoring
Tel: (902) 313-0047 chandrahan@gov.pe.ca
Hannam, Jeff
Provincial Forest Supervisor-east
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Provincial Forest
Tel: 902-961-7296 Fax: 902-368-4806 jdhannam@gov.pe.ca
Henderson, Andrew
Service Organization Manager
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Tel: 902-620-3690 Fax: 902-620-5796 ahenderson@gov.pe.ca
Henry, Maggie
Energy Solutions Advisor
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Tel: 902-620-3690 Fax: 902-620-6796 mjhenry@gov.pe.ca
Hill, Shawn J.
ALUS Coordinator/Environment Officer
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Environmental Land Management
Tel: 902-394-1472 Fax: 902-368-5830 sjhill@gov.pe.ca
Hughes, Joe
Head Crew Chief: Eastern Forest District
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Field Services
Tel: (902) 368-4804 Fax: (902) 368-4806 jphughes@gov.pe.ca
Ing, Andrew
Geomatics Supervisor
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Resource Inventory and Modelling
Tel: (902) 368-6471 Fax: (902) 368-4713 aring@gov.pe.ca
Jackson, Barry
Manager, Product Stewardship and Regulatory Affairs
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Waste Reduction, Recovery and Recycling
Tel: 902-368-5173 Fax: 902-368-5830 bajackson@gov.pe.ca
Jamieson, Sandra
GIS Technician
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Resource Inventory and Modelling
Tel: (902) 368-5634 Fax: (902) 368-4713 SLJAMIESON@gov.pe.ca
Japiassu, Gabriel
Onsite Energy Manager
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Tel: 902-620-3690 Fax: 902-620-3796 gkjapiassu@gov.pe.ca
Jay, Kurtis
Program Officer
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Climate Adaptation
Tel: 902-288-1474 Cell: 902-218-5581 kurtisjay@gov.pe.ca
Jenkins, Hannah
Acting Manager
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Environmental Land Management
Tel: 902-368-5059 Fax: 902-368-5395 hljenkins@gov.pe.ca
Johnston, Allan
Tree Improvement Foreman
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Tel: (902) 962-7409 Fax: (902) 368-4711 allanjohnston@gov.pe.ca
Johnston, Gail
Administrative Support
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Tel: 902-368-5014 gajohnston@gov.pe.ca
Jordan, Danielle
Wildlife Technician
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Fish and Wildlife
Tel: 902-368-4700 Fax: 902-368-4713 dejordan@gov.pe.ca
Keoughan, John
Provincial Forest Crew Chief
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Field Services
Tel: (902) 368-6653 Fax: (902) 368-4806 jekeoughan@gov.pe.ca
King, Marcus
Acting Drinking Water and Wastewater Supervisor
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Drinking Water and Wastewater Management
Tel: 902-314-0704 Fax: 902-368-5830 mrking@gov.pe.ca
Kitson, Teddy
Net Zero Programs Electrical Inspector
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Office of Net Zero
Tel: 902-218-7110 teddykitson@gov.pe.ca
Knox, Preston
Maintenance Worker
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Production Development
Tel: (902) 368-4711 Fax: (902) 368-4713 psknox@gov.pe.ca
Knysh, Kyle
Surface Water Biologist
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Water and Air Monitoring
Tel: 902-368-5179 kmknysh@gov.pe.ca
Koughan, Anthony
Forest Technician
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Provincial Forest
Tel: 902-961-7296 akoughan@gov.pe.ca
Koughan, Mike
Private Forest Technician
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Field Services
Tel: 902-961-7296 Fax: 902-961-7298 mkoughan@gov.pe.ca
Lanigan, Ben
Acting Approvals & Compliance Engineer
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Drinking Water and Wastewater Management
Tel: 902-368-5043 Fax: 902-368-5830 bpklanigan@gov.pe.ca
Lank, Matt
Private Forest Technician
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Private Forest
Tel: 902-368-4805 mslank@gov.pe.ca
Larsen, Patti
Laboratory Technologist
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
PEI Analytical Laboratories
Tel: (902) 894-0272 Fax: (902) 569-7778 pllarsen@gov.pe.ca
LaVie, Lydia
Administrative Support
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Environmental Land Management
Tel: 902-368-5700 Fax: 902-368-5395 lbmlavie@gov.pe.ca
LeClair, Joanna
Provincial Forest Technician
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Field Services
Tel: 902-854-7260 Fax: 902-854-7448 jlleclair@gov.pe.ca
Ledgerwood, Sean
Acting Manager of Water and Air Monitoring
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Water and Air Monitoring
Tel: 902-368-4686 Fax: 902-368-5830 seledgerwood@gov.pe.ca
Lee, Jenna
Measurement and Evaluation Officer
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Office of Net Zero
Cell: 902-620-3690 Fax: 902-620-3796 jmlee@gov.pe.ca
Lewis, Juanita
Bilingual Policy and Planning Analyst
Je parle français
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Acadian and Francophone Affairs Secretariat
Tel: 902-368-5978 jjlewis@gov.pe.ca
Li, Qing
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Water and Air Monitoring
Tel: (902) 368-4668 Fax: (902) 368-5830 qli@gov.pe.ca
Liao, Henry
Data Management and Quality Control Supervisor
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Office of Net Zero
Long, Spencer P.Eng.
Engineering Project Manager
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
PEI Energy Corporation
Tel: 902-368-6098 Fax: 902-894-0290 srlong@gov.pe.ca
MacDonald, Andrew
Charging Infrastructure Manager (Net Zero)
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Office of Net Zero
Tel: 902-916-1183 andrewlmacdonald@GOV.PE.CA
MacDonald, Gary
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
PEI Energy Corporation
Tel: 902-620-3690 glmacdonald@gov.pe.ca
MacDonald, Kenny
Air Quality Technician
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Water and Air Monitoring
Tel: 902-961-7296 Fax: 902-961-7298 kxmacdonald@gov.pe.ca
MacDonald, Scott
Private Forest Supervisor
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Field Services
Tel: (902) 620-3179 Fax: (902) 368-4713 samacdonald@gov.pe.ca
MacDonald, Tracy
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Tel: 902-368-6080 Fax: 902-368-4713 tlmacdonald@gov.pe.ca
MacDougall, Sara
Energy Programs Assistant
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Tel: 902-620-3690 Fax: 902-620-3796 smacdougall@gov.pe.ca
MacFarlane, Rosanne
Freshwater Fish Biologist
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Fish and Wildlife
Tel: (902) 368-6082 Fax: (902) 368-4713 remacfarlane@gov.pe.ca
MacInnis, Brenda
Administrative Support
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Field Services
Tel: (902) 854-7260 Fax: (902) 854-7448 bjmacinnis@gov.pe.ca
MacLeod, Angela
Microbiology, Dairy and Plant Diagnostic Supervisor
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
PEI Analytical Laboratories

Animal Health, Regulatory, and Analytical Laboratories
P.E.I. Analytical Laboratories
Tel: 902-368-5701 Fax: 902-569-7778 admacleod@gov.pe.ca
MacLeod, Heather P.Eng.
Director, Energy Assets
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
PEI Energy Corporation
Tel: 902-368-5011 Fax: 902-894-0290 hamacleod@gov.pe.ca
MacNeill, Marlene
Quality Assurance Officer
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
PEI Analytical Laboratories

Animal Health, Regulatory, and Analytical Laboratories
P.E.I. Analytical Laboratories
Tel: 902-368-5622 Fax: 902-569-7778 mcmacneill@gov.pe.ca
MacPhail, Linda
Admin assisstant
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
PEI Energy Corporation
Tel: 902-620-3690 lindamacphail@gov.pe.ca
MacQuarrie, Kate E
Director, Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Tel: (902) 368-4705 Fax: (902) 368-4713 kemacquarrie@gov.pe.ca
MacSwain, Trent
Wetland Technician
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Fish and Wildlife
Tel: 902-368-4683 tmacswain@gov.pe.ca
Martell, Daniel
Project Coordinator
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Minister's Office
Martin, Bryan
Senior Climate Change Adaptation Policy Advisor
Je parle français
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Climate Adaptation
Tel: 902-368-5024 bgmartin@gov.pe.ca
McDonald, Barb
Assistant to the Director
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Tel: 902-368-4700 bamcdonald@gov.pe.ca
McIver, Matt
Forest Inventory Technician
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Tel: 902-368-4700 Cell: 902-314-1796 msmciver@gov.pe.ca
McLennan, Alan
Eastern Habitat Joint Venture Program Coordinator
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Forests, Fish and Wildlife
Fish and Wildlife
Tel: (902) 368-4667 Fax: (902) 368-4713 admclennan@gov.pe.ca
McNeill, Matt
Adaptation Coordinator
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Climate Adaptation
Tel: 902-213-0269 matthewmcneill@gov.pe.ca
Meggison, George
Sustainability Programs Officer
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Tel: 902-620-3793 Fax: 902-620-3796 gemeggison@gov.pe.ca