Employee Directory
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Displaying 1 - 96 of 96 records.
Name / Title | Organization / Division / Section | Contact | |
Adams, Katie
HR Analyst |
Health PEI Human Resources HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development |
Tel: 902-916-1346 | katieadams@ihis.org |
Aitken, Lisa
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-213-5294 | laitken@ihis.org |
Allen, Jennifer
HR Coordinator |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-687-7150 Fax: 902-687-7175 | jenniferallen@gov.pe.ca |
Arsenault, Christine
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-432-2643 Fax: 902-438-4381 | christinearsenault@ihis.org |
Arsenault, Elise
French Language Services Analyst Je parle français |
Health PEI Human Resources Talent Management |
Tel: 902-854-7441 902-314-2272 Fax: 902-368-4969 | elisearsenault@ihis.org |
Arsenault, Sarah
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: (902) 853-8661 Fax: (902) 853-0408 | saraharsenault@ihis.org |
Austin, Andrew
HR Manager - Long-Term Care/Central |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-218-5174 | aaustin@ihis.org |
Bailey, Dodi
HR Manager - East |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-687-7150 Fax: 902-687-7175 | dlbailey@ihis.org |
Bain, Denise
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-368-5413 Fax: 902-368-4969 | dmbain@ihis.org |
Barnes, Kari
Director |
Health PEI Human Resources HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development |
Tel: 902-213-4823 | kbarnes@ihis.org |
Berube, Bruno
HR Manager - Medical Affairs |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
bberube@gov.pe.ca | |
Blacquiere, Marshall
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Talent Management |
mblacquiere@ihis.org | |
Bruce, Melanie
HR Manager |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-218-5174 | melaniebruce@ihis.org |
Bulger, Jennifer M
HR Coordinator Je parle français |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-438-4531 Fax: 902-438-4511 | jmbulger@ihis.org |
Carmody, Serena A
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-894-2354 Fax: 902-894-0259 | serenacarmody@ihis.org |
Christie, Ali
Director, Human Resources |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
achristie@ihis.org | |
Darrach, Marina
Wellness Coordinator |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-303-3117 | mrryan@ihis.org |
De Jong, Lucy
HR Manager - QEH |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-894-2367 Fax: 902-894-2424 | ldejong@ihis.org |
Driscoll, Katlyn
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Talent Management |
Tel: 902-620-3160 Fax: 902-368-4969 | kmdriscoll@ihis.org |
Driscoll, Marion E
Payroll Manager |
Health PEI Human Resources HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development |
Tel: 902-218-2604 | medriscoll@ihis.org |
Ellis, Allison
HR Coordinator |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-894-2479 Fax: 902-894-2424 | abellis@ihis.org |
Fall, Laura
HR Coordinator |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-368-5375 Fax: 902-368-4969 | lmfall@ihis.org |
Feng, Li
Settlement and Immigration Coordinator |
Health PEI Human Resources Talent Management |
lifeng@ihis.org | |
Fitzpatrick, Tanya
HR Coordinator |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-894-2112 Fax: 902-894-2424 | tefitzpatrick@gov.pe.ca |
Fortin, Agnes
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-772-7952 | asfortin@gov.pe.ca |
Gallant, Karen
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-438-4040 Fax: 902-438-4511 | karengallant@gov.pe.ca |
Gallant, Nicholas
Safety Officer |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
nickgallant@ihis.org | |
Gilbank, Colleen
Project Manager |
Health PEI Human Resources Talent Management |
Tel: 902-218-6541 | crgilbank@ihis.org |
Gilbert, Doran
HR Coordinator Long Term Care West |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-438-4531 Fax: 902-438-4511 | dgilbert@ihis.org |
Gilmour, JD
Manager, Employee Abilities and Return to Work |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-439-4298 Fax: 902-368-4969 | jgilmour@ihis.org |
Gonzales, Shian
LR Coordinator |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-368-6890 | sgonzales@ihis.org |
Gray, Shelley C
Payroll Auditor |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-916-0253 | sgray@ihis.org |
Gunathilake, Gayani
Employee Abilities and Return to Work Consultant |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-213-4779 | ggunathilake@ihis.org |
Harris, Lanea
Employee Health Nurse |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-213-4792 | lcharris@ihis.org |
Haywood, Laura
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-853-8660 Fax: 902-853-0408 | lshaywood@ihis.org |
Holmes, Meaghan
HR Coordinator |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-438-4535 Fax: 902-438-4511 | mxholmes@ihis.org |
Humphrey, Rosalind
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-687-7150 Fax: 902-687-7175 | rehumphrey@ihis.org |
Jones Clements, Sarah
Employee Health Nurse |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-213-5438 | sbjonesclements@ihis.org |
Kalil, Barbara
HR Help Desk Specialist |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
bkalil@ihis.org | |
Kennific, Alicia
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-368-4283 Cell: 902-213-4634 | akennific@ihis.org |
Kickham, Mark E
HR Analyst |
Health PEI Human Resources HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development |
Tel: 902-213-4085 | mekickham@ihis.org |
Killam, Laura
HR Manager, West |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: (902) 432-2579 Fax: (902) 438-4511 | lkillam@ihis.org |
King, Margo
Project Manager, Security and Violence Prevention |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-213-8797 | mamking@ihis.org |
King-Gallant, Tracey
HR Manager - Hillsborough Hospital |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-368-4307 | tdkinggallant@ihis.org |
Koughan, Katie
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
kvkoughan@ihis.org | |
Leblanc, Michael
MSIP Consultant |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-218-7588 | meleblanc@ihis.org |
Lund MacDonald, Sheila
HR Analyst |
Health PEI Human Resources HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development |
Tel: 902-916-1387 | slundmacdonald@ihis.org |
MacAusland, Joyce L
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-213-4651 | jlmacausland@ihis.org |
MacAusland, Wallace
Safety Officer Central |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-916-0658 | wmacausland@ihis.org |
MacDonald, Lysa
Occupational Health and Safety LPN |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-315-0584 Fax: 902-438-4511 | lmmacdonald@ihis.org |
MacDougall, Sheila
HR Admin Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: (902) 894-2365 Fax: (902) 894-2424 | stmacdougall@ihis.org |
MacFadyen, Tammy A
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-894-0089 Fax: 902-894-2424 | tmacfadyen@ihis.org |
MacInnis, Jacinta L
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-368-6726 Fax: 902-368-4969 | jlmacinnis@ihis.org |
MacIntyre, Marcy
Payroll Auditor |
Health PEI Human Resources HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development |
Tel: 902-218-3696 | marcymacintyre@ihis.org |
Maclachlan, Daphne
Human Resources Help Desk Lead |
Health PEI Human Resources Talent Management |
Tel: 902-368-4637 | djmaclachlan@ihis.org |
MacLachlan, Daphne
HR Help Desk Lead |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-213-7707 | djmaclachlan@ihis.org |
MacLeod, Muriel M
HR Manager, East |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: (902) 687-7150 Fax: (902) 687-7175 | mmmacleod@gov.pe.ca |
MacLeod-Compton, Christina
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-894-2909 | cmacleodcompton@ihis.org |
MacMurdo, Lara
Director, Occupational Health, Safety and Wellness |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
lmacmurdo@ihis.org | |
MacRae, Tracey
HR Coordinator |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-218-7290 | tlmacrae@ihis.org |
Mah, Jolene
Employee Health Nurse |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-213-2096 | jmmah@ihis.org |
McAlduff, Christa
Employee Health Nurse |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-438-4487 | camcalduff@ihis.org |
McGillivray, Cara
HRIS Administrator |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-916-1367 | clmcgillivray@ihis.org |
McIntosh, Jeanna
HRIS Coordinator |
Health PEI Human Resources HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development |
jmmcintosh@ihis.org | |
McKenna, Kimberley
Safety Officer East |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-394-7572 | kimmckenna@ihis.org |
Milligan, Karen
HR Manager - Provincial Programs and Primary Care |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-620-3090 Fax: 902-368-4969 | klmilligan@ihis.org |
Morrow, June
Learning and Development Consultant |
Health PEI Human Resources HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development |
Tel: 782-772-3409 | jmmorrow@ihis.org |
Munro, Kim
Project Manager |
Health PEI Human Resources HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development |
Tel: 902-916-0645 | kimmunro@ihis.org |
Myers-Taylor, Courtney
Employee Health Nurse |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-218-7597 | csmyers-taylor@ihis.org |
Nixon, Jill
Manager, Safety and Violence Prevention |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-916-0657 | jnixon@ihis.org |
O'Meara, Crystal-Lynn
HR Manager - Support Services |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-894-2526 Fax: 902-894-2424 | crystallomeara@ihis.org |
Olasimno, Adeola
Talent Acquisition Consultant |
Health PEI Human Resources Talent Management |
aolasimno@ihis.org | |
Oulton, Airalee
Talent Acquisition Consultant |
Health PEI Human Resources Talent Management |
aoulton@ihis.org | |
Palmer, Joy L
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-438-4383 Fax: 902-438-4381 | jlpalmer@ihis.org |
Parkman, Alicia
Human Resources Coordinator |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-368-5413 Cell: 902-213-4634 | aparkman@ihis.org |
Pitre, Janessa
Administrative Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources |
Tel: 902-218-3248 Fax: 902-368-4969 | jkpitre@ihis.org |
Praught, Lindsay
Employee Abilities and Return to Work Consultant |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-218-0621 | limpraught@ihis.org |
Ramsay, Sarah
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-438-4040 | seramsay@ihis.org |
Rennie, Natiya
Employee Health Nurse |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-303-1556 | nmrennie@ihis.org |
Riley, Justine
Project Manager |
Health PEI Human Resources Talent Management |
Tel: 902-218-7754 | jriley@ihis.org |
Rose, Faith
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-687-7150 Fax: 902-687-7175 | fmrose@ihis.org |
Sajid, Faizan
Safety Officer |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-916-1871 | fsajid@ihis.org |
Salar, Khaled
Project Manager |
Health PEI Human Resources Talent Management |
Tel: 902-916-7337 | ksalar@ihis.org |
Saldanha, Glenn
Acting Senior Project Manager – Employee Experience Specialist |
Health PEI Human Resources HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development |
Tel: 902-218-9647 | gsaldanha@ihis.org |
Savoie, Amanda
HR Manager - Corporate Services and Medical Affairs |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-218-1837 | asavoie@ihis.org |
Sencabaugh, JoAnne
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-894-2943 | jbsencabaugh@ihis.org |
Shea-Duffy, Jessica
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-438-4040 | jcshea@ihis.org |
Smith, Dawna
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-888-8045 Fax: 902-438-4511 | dsmith@ihis.org |
Stewart, Tara
Talent Aquisition Consultant |
Health PEI Human Resources Talent Management |
Tel: 902-292-4979 | tvstewart@ihis.org |
Stewart, TaraRose
Employee Health Nurse |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-894-2045 | trmstewart@ihis.org |
Tahir, Sarah
Administrative Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources |
Tel: 902-916-0684 | stahir@ihis.org |
Townshend, Liza
Employee Health Nurse |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-213-3078 | ldtownshend@ihis.org |
Trainor, Lucus
MSIP Kinesiologist |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-314-1987 | lucustrainor@ihis.org |
Warren, Sydney
Administrative Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
sewarren@ihis.org | |
White, Ryan
Director, Talent Management |
Health PEI Human Resources Talent Management |
Tel: 902-628-0609 | rwhite@ihis.org |
Woods, Allan
Employee Abilities Consultant |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
allanjwoods@ihis.org |