Employee Directory

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Displaying 1 - 50 of 50 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Afridi, Shahid
Customer Service Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Charlottetown
Tel: 902-368-5200 Fax: 902-569-7560 safridi@gov.pe.ca
Arsenault, Janine
BIL Customer Services Representative
Je parle français
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Wellington
Tel: 902-854-7255 Fax: 902-854-7255 janarsenault@gov.pe.ca
Arsenault, Mark
Director, Access PEI
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Charlottetown
Tel: (902) 368-5923 Fax: (902) 620-3503 MXARSENAULT@gov.pe.ca
Barbour, Carol Ann
Bilingual Customer Service Representative
Je parle français
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Tignish
Tel: 902-882-7352 cabarbour@gov.pe.ca
Barlow, Madison
BIL - Customer Service Representative
Je parle français
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Wellington
Tel: 902-854-7250 mlbarlow@GOV.PE.CA
Blikslager, Melanie
Customer Service Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Charlottetown
Tel: (902) 368-5200 Fax: (902) 569-7560 MEBLIKSLAGER@gov.pe.ca
Brito, Amanda
Data Entry Clerk
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Charlottetown
Burke, Gwen
Customer Services Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Souris
Tel: (902) 687-7000 Fax: (902) 687-7091 GABURKE@gov.pe.ca
Callaghan, Danny
Customer Service Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Charlottetown
Tel: 902-368-5200 Fax: 902-569-7560 dcallaghan@gov.pe.ca
Campbell, Amy
Customer Service Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Summerside
Tel: 902-888-8000 Fax: 902-888-8306 amyxcampbell@gov.pe.ca
Cheverie, John
Customer Service Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Charlottetown
Tel: 902-368-5200 Fax: 902-569-7560 jacheverie@gov.pe.ca
Cuddy, Joyce
Customer Services Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Montague
Tel: 902-838-0603 Fax: 902-838-0610 jecuddy@gov.pe.ca
da Costa, Spencer
OHPA Caseworker
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Dewar, Blair
Customer Service Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Charlottetown
Tel: 902-368-5200 Fax: 902-569-7560 badewar@GOV.PE.CA
Dickie, Jillian
Customer Service Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Tel: 833-734-1873 jrdickie@gov.pe.ca
Gallant, Anne Marie
SWAT Administrator
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Division Management
Tel: 902-368-4259 amgallant@gov.pe.ca
Gallant, Shannon
Team Lead
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Summerside
Tel: 902-432-2708 Fax: 902-888-8306 sxgallant@gov.pe.ca
Gaudet, Krista
Customer Services Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Tignish
Tel: 902-882-7352 kggaudet@gov.pe.ca
Gorrill, Cindy
Customer Service Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Summerside
Tel: 902-888-8000 Fax: 902-888-8306 cmgorrill@gov.pe.ca
Green, Jordan
Customer Service Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Summerside
Tel: 902-888-8000 Fax: 902-888-8306 sjgreen@gov.pe.ca
Harvey, Shawn
Customer Service Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Summerside
Tel: 902-888-8000 Fax: 902-888-8306 shharvey@gov.pe.ca
Hennessey, Melissa
Customer Service Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Summerside
Tel: 902-888-8000 Fax: 902-888-8306 melissahennessey@gov.pe.ca
Jenkins-O'Brien, Kerri
Customer Services Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Tel: 902-283-4002 kljenkinsobrien@gov.pe.ca
King, Jane
Customer Services Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Montague
Tel: (902) 838-0600 Fax: (902) 838-0610 jmking@gov.pe.ca
Kuzel, Luke
BIL - Customer Service Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Summerside
Tel: 902-888-8000 Fax: 902-888-8306 lukekuzel@gov.pe.ca
MacCallum, Kim
Customer Service Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI O'Leary
Tel: 902-859-8804 Fax: 902-859-8748 kamaccallum@gov.pe.ca
MacDonald, Jean
Customer Services Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Souris
Tel: (902) 687-7000 Fax: (902) 687-7091 jmmacdonald@gov.pe.ca
MacDougall, Graham
Customer Service Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Charlottetown
Tel: 902-368-5200 Fax: 902-569-7560 gmacdougall@gov.pe.ca
MacEachern, Krista
Customer Service Representative - Access PEI Souris
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Souris
Tel: 902-687-7010 klmaceachern@gov.pe.ca
MacKenzie, Karen
Customer Services Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Souris
Tel: (902) 687-7000 Fax: (902) 687-7091 kamackenzie@gov.pe.ca
MacLaren, Heather
Summer Student
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Souris
Tel: 902-687-7000 hmaclaren@gov.pe.ca
MacLeane, Willem
Project Coordinator-OHPA Projects
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Tel: 902-218-0688 Fax: 902-368-5526 wpmacleane@gov.pe.ca
MacLennan, Shelley
Customer Service Representative
Je parle français
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Charlottetown
Tel: 902-569-7564 smmaclennan@gov.pe.ca
Martin, Denise
Customer Service Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Montague
Tel: 902-838-0606 sdmartin@gov.pe.ca
Martin, Pamela
Customer Service Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Charlottetown
Tel: 833-734-1873 pcmartin@gov.pe.ca
McCarthy, Corelene
Customer Service Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Montague
Tel: 902-838-0600 Fax: 902-838-0610 cmmccarthy@gov.pe.ca
McKay, Monica
Access PEI Manager - Charlottetown
Je parle français
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Division Management
Tel: 902-368-6847 Fax: 902-569-7560 mmckay@gov.pe.ca
Murnaghan, Josh
BIL - Customer Service Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Charlottetown
Tel: 902-368-5200 Fax: 902-569-7560 jsmurnaghan@gov.pe.ca
Phillips, Cheryl
Acting Manager- Access PEI West Prince
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI O'Leary
Tel: 902-859-8801 Fax: 902-859-8748 cxphillips@gov.pe.ca
Pokaraczki, Monika
Customer Service Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Charlottetown
Tel: 902-368-5200 Fax: 902-569-7560 mpokaraczki@gov.pe.ca
Richards, Linda
Bilingual Customer Service Rep
Je parle français
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Summerside
Tel: 902-888-8000 Fax: 902-888-8306 lmrichards@gov.pe.ca
Roberts, Mark
Access PEI Manager - O'Leary, Alberton, Tignish (Acting)
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI O'Leary
Tel: 902-859-8801 Fax: 902-859-8748 mroberts@GOV.PE.CA
Ross, Tyler
Senior Manager - Access PEI
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Tel: 902-213-2874 tross@gov.pe.ca
Schellekens, Allison
Customer Service Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Charlottetown
Tel: 902-368-5200 Fax: 902-569-7560 aschellekens@gov.pe.ca
Shaw, Ryan
Service Experience Consultant
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Charlottetown
Tel: 902-213-2630 ryanshaw@gov.pe.ca
Smallwood, Leah
Access PEI Manager - Summerside & Wellington
Access PEI Wellington
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Summerside
Tel: 902-888-8001 Fax: 902-888-8306 lmsmallwood@gov.pe.ca
Spence, Kyoko
Customer Service Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Charlottetown
Tel: 902-368-5200 Fax: 902-569-7560 kspence@gov.pe.ca
Wagner, Julia
Service Experience Senior Manager
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Charlottetown
Tel: 902-218-4681 jwagner@GOV.PE.CA
Wang, Dongling
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Williams, Colleen
Records Clerk
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Charlottetown
Tel: 902-368-5216 Fax: 902-368-5236 cgwilliams@gov.pe.ca