Results displayed are the past two years only, search News Archives for older releases.
Displaying 1 - 20 of 36.Results
Leadership Excellence in Quality and Safety Award
The Health PEI Board acknowledges and celebrates staff making positive, sustainable changes across the Prince Edward Island health system through the Leadership Excellence in Quality and Safety Award.
What is the Leadership Excellence in Quality and Safety Award?
This Quality and Safety Award...
Family Presence in Health Care
Partnering with patients and families is important to the overall well-being and recovery of a patient. Patients and families are encouraged to become partners in care and to be active participants in their health care.
Partner in Care
A partner in care is a person whom the patient identifies and...
Your Medication List
Keep track of your medications by listing what medications you are taking, how much you take and how often you take them. Also list any medication allergies you may have. Keep this list with your PEI Health Card - your health care team will need this information to properly care for you during and...
Health PEI Accreditation
What is Accreditation?
Accreditation is an evaluation process based on an external review. Accreditation Canada awarded Health PEI Accreditation Status following an intensive external review of facilities, programs, and services in August 2022. This Accreditation status remains in...
Health PEI Accreditation Report 2022
The accreditation report describes the findings of the organization's survey by Accreditation Canada in 2022.
PEI Research Ethics Board: Consent Form Template
Template to use when creating a consent form for a research project.
PEI Research Ethics Board: General Guidelines
Guidelines on the submission and review process for the PEI Research Ethics Board.
PEI Research Ethics Board: Guidelines for Preparation of a Consent Form
Guildelines to create a consent form used in a research project.
PEI Research Ethics Board: Research Protocol Guidelines
Research protocol guidelines for studies approved by PEI Research Ethics Board.