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Displaying 1 - 10 of 672.Results
Cannabis and Drug Impaired Driving – Just the Facts
Laws about drinking alcohol and driving are the same for driving when using cannabis. The penalties for driving drunk and driving high are also the same. Drive Sober!
Additional air quality test results - December
Additional air quality test results from Three Oaks Senior High School - December 2018
Please Wash - Hand Washing Sign
A hand-washing sign from the Department of Health and Wellness that promotes hand washing as an infection control measure.
Poster describing how to use hand sanitizer
A poster describing the steps to use hand sanitizer for infection prevention and control.
Guidance for Management of a Gastrointestinal Outbreak at a Long-Term Care/Community Care Facility
This reference document is intended to provide information and guidance to facilities that are experiencing an increased number of gastrointestinal (GI) infections where the infectious agent may or may not have been identified. Certain precautions taken by staff at a facility experiencing an...
YDAY PEI 2018 Youth Summit Report
A report for the Youth Futures Council based on information gathered from participants of YDAY 2018 activities and discussions.