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Displaying 1 - 20 of 671.Results
PEI Breast Cancer Trends Report Summary
This is a summary report on Breast Cancer in Prince Edward Island. It is one in a series that is being developed to provide a look at the four most frequently diagnosed cancers in PEI (lung, colorectal, breast and prostate cancers).
PEI Lung Cancer Trends Report Summary
This is a summary report on Lung Cancer in Prince Edward Island. It is one in a series that is being developed to provide a look at the four most frequently diagnosed cancers in PEI (lung, colorectal, breast and prostate cancers).
Mathematics MAT521K
This document provides a framework to support teachers in the implementation of MAT521K curriculum.
Report on Cancer Statistics in Prince Edward Island: Breast Cancer 2018
This is a statistical report on Breast Cancer in Prince Edward Island. It is one report in a series that is being developed to provide a meaningful look at the four most frequently diagnosed cancers in PEI (lung, colorectal, breast and prostate cancers).
Artist Grants program report - Fall 2018
The PEI Arts grant program is designed to support the development of artistic practice through a competitive award system. The process for assessment was modelled after the best practice of using peer juries to select successful projects and award funding amounts.
Municipal Remuneration Bylaw
This is a sample bylaw to establish the types, rates, and conditions of payments to be made to council members, council committees or another person.
French Language Services Act - 2017-2018 Annual Report
The French Language Services Act Annual Report is submitted by the Minister responsible for Acadian and Francophone Affairs to the Legislative Assembly each fiscal year. The report contains information on the activities of the Acadian and Francophone Affairs Secretariat and government institutions...