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Displaying 1 - 10 of 14.Results
Debt Reduction Grant Application
The Province of Prince Edward Island is dedicated to assisting students to further their post-secondary education. The Debt Reduction Grant program provides graduates with assistance with their student loan repayment and encourages students to live and work in our island communities after...
Declaration of PEI Residency Document
* Effective November 1, 2022, all applicants are required to complete a Declaration of Prince Edward Island Residency in lieu of personal papers and statements. This document is provided below (see the “How do I apply?” section).
Medical Residency Payment (Interest) Relief Application
Provincial payment relief application for current medical residency students.
Agreement to Access PEI COE Portal
Access agreement for educational institutions to request access to PEI Student Financial Services Confirmation of Enrollment Portal
Community Service Bursary Volunteer Hours Record
The Community Services Bursary Volunteer Hours Record allows registered organizations to submit hours on behalf of volunteers.
Services and Equipment Grant Application for Students with Permanent Disabilities
The Canada Student Loan Program offer a grant to eligible students with Permanent Disabilities of up to $8,000 per loan year to cover eligible services and equipment. Please visit the Services and Equipment Grant information page for detailed information.
Estimate of Parental Income
You are eligible to provide an estimate of income if you, as parents, anticipate your income being lower by at least 5% in your current year rather than the previous year. Indicate your income from all sources and provide a complete explanation. If your son/daughter receives an...
George Coles Bursary Missing Information Form
George Coles Bursary Missing Information Form