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Displaying 1 - 20 of 91.Results
Province offers workshop for new hunters
POSTPONED: The hunting workshop has been postponed due to rain and will now take place on September 14, 2024. Registration starts at 8 AM, with the event running from 8:30 AM to 2 PM.
Island residents are invited to register for the annual provincial hunting workshop to learn more...
Post-Fiona forestry report suggests changes for resilient forests
Updated analysis reveals further details on how post-tropical storm Fiona affected Island forests.
The Post-Fiona Forestry Update shows 9.4% of PEI forest was affected by the storm overall, referring to areas where greater than 70% of trees were blown down. Impacts in certain areas varied, with...
First forest sector profile released
Feedback from the forestry sector will be used to help government with key decisions as it reviews programs, policies, and legislation related to PEI forests.
PEI’s first Forest Industry Capacity Report surveyed 61 individuals in the forestry sector who provided insight into harvested forest...
Western watershed group repairs local river system
Lot 11 and Area Watershed Management Group Inc. is one of the many watershed groups protecting PEI’s watercourses and wetlands.
Located in the community of Ellerslie, Lot 11 and Area was formed in 2009 when 22 community members came together to discuss how to safeguard their water system.
Communities receive funding for active transportation projects
The provincial government is providing $5 million to support 27 new active transportation projects in communities across Prince Edward Island.
The Active Transportation Fund has supported projects that encourage more walking and biking since 2020, resulting in over 100 new active transportation...
Stratford area watershed group educating the environmentalists of tomorrow
Prince Edward Island has a wide variety of watercourses and wetlands throughout all three counties, and watershed groups across the Island work tirelessly to protect and support them. This work is supported in part by the Government of Prince Edward Island’s $2.1 million annual watershed management...
Additional PEI wildland firefighters heading to Alberta
Five Island forest firefighters are leaving for Alberta this weekend to help with the increasingly serious wildfire situation in that province. This team will join a Nova Scotian team bound for Jasper to assist Parks Canada with fire response.
Last week, a team returned from Alberta where they...
Morell River watershed group helping fish and anglers
Morell River is a warm water system, which can be a challenge for two of PEI’s native fish: Atlantic salmon and brook trout, because they prefer cold water.
But the Morell River Management Cooperative (MRMC) is helping the fish by keeping track of water temperatures and enhancing habitat for...
Bottle deposit increase requires legislative change
The provincial government wants to encourage beverage container recycling so people will return more cans and bottles for recycling to help reduce litter on Island roadways.
A review of beverage container deposit and refund amounts is currently underway.
“We are looking at a made-in-PEI...
Prince Edward Island expands recycling program, adds electronics like smart watches
After having continued success in small appliance expansion, the Government of Prince Edward Island will be adding more electronics to its recycling program.
Effective October 1, 2024, electronics used in sports or physical fitness and small wearable electronic devices will be eligible to be...