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Displaying 1 - 20 of 638.Results
MD 24-03 Education Authority Staffing and Funding Program for the 2024-2025 School Year
The Education Authority Staffing and Funding Program is the mechanism for providing financial grants to Education Authorities.
MD 24-04 Granting of Senior High Graduation Diploma and Transition Certificate in the English Language Education Program
The following Minister's Directive establishes rules for the granting of diplomas and provincial transition certificates in an English language education program, including an education program for French immersion students.
This Minister's Directive replaces Minister's Directive No. MD 2024-02
MD 2024-05 Granting of Senior High Graduation Diploma in the French First Language Education Program
The following Minister’s Directive establishes rules for the granting of diplomas to students in a French first language education program.
This Minister’s Directive replaces Minister’s Directive No. MD 2020-05.
Core French Curriculum Grades 10 to 12
This document provides a framework to support teachers in the implementation of Core French curriculum in Grades 10 to 12.
Student Enrolment, K-12, 2023-2024
This document shows Prince Edward Island public and private school enrolment numbers, by school and grade, for the 2023-2024 school year.