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Displaying 1 - 24 of 24.Results
Become a Member of the PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation
Memberships to the Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation are available to purchase year round and are valid for one year from date of purchase.
What is included with my membership?
A Regular ($40 plus HST), Senior/Student ($35 plus HST), and...
Browse Public Archives Online Exhibits
Staff at the Public Archives regularly create exhibits on a variety of themes in Island history. You can view the current exhibit at the Public Archives or, in many cases, view the exhibit online.
What exhibits are available online?
Some of the exhibits available online include:
Celebrating ...
Suggest a Purchase for the Public Library
Don't see an item in our online catalogue? Suggest it!
If you have multiple suggestions, please complete a separate online form for each recommendation.
What kinds of items can I recommend for purchase?
When completing the online form, you must choose from one of the following formats:...
Municipal Assessment and Tax Information (MATI)
The Municipal Assessment and Tax Information (MATI) online tool provides Prince Edward Island Municipal Administrators with up-to-date assessment and tax information.
Assessment and tax information is provided through four sections:
Assessment Summaries
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