Apply for a Fish Peddler Licence
If you are selling fish for commercial processing you must be licensed each year and any equipment or vehicle you use must be inspected and approved by a provincial fish inspector in accordance with the PEI Fish Inspection Act, Schedules “E” and “G”.
In addition, you are required to provide yearly statistics on fish purchases and sales under the reporting provisions of the Fisheries Act Regulations, section 7(11) (b).
You can use the online forms below to apply for or renew your licence as an individual or as a business and submit your yearly statement.
What do I need to complete the online form?
You will be asked to enter the following information:
- Your full contact information;
- Licence plate number(s)
- Details about the equipment you will use to hold, store and transport product, including the vehicle licence plate;
- Fish supplier and product information: list each supplier, product species and quantity. (You must purchase all fish products from a registered processor unless you are an approved core fisher for ground fish (fresh, whole, dressed or iced), pelagic fish or live crustaceans.)
- If you are renewing your licence, you your complete the Fish Peddler Yearly Statement before submitting your Fish Peddler Licence application .
- You must submit full payment with your application.
How long will it take to complete this online form?
Providing you have the information ready and your annual statement completed, you can complete this form in less than 10 minutes.
What is the fee?
The cost for an annual peddler’s licence is $25 per vehicle. There is no HST.
How long will it take to process my application?
Please allow one week to process your request. Your licence will be issued to you by Fish Inspection staff.
You can request an automated e-mail reminder to renew your licence each year using the Add a Reminder feature on the right side of this page.
Who can I contact for more information?
For more information contact:
PEI Department of Fisheries and Communities
Cheryl Campbell
PO Box 1180
Montague, PE C0A 1R0
Telephone: (902) 838-0826
Fax: (902) 838-0975
This service accepts payments using VISA, VISA Debit, MasterCard, and Debit MasterCard.