PEI Indigenous Art Bank Acquisition Program
The Prince Edward Island Art Bank collection was established in 1979 to support and encourage visual artists living in Prince Edward Island. The contemporary works of art collected by the PEI Art Bank Acquisition Program demonstrate the knowledge, craftsmanship and artistic skills of professional artists and creators working across the visual arts in the province. Works are acquired through purchase (when funding is available), donation, gift and bequest.
In 2021, an Indigenous Art Bank was established to celebrate and highlight the artistic accomplishments of the Mi’kmaq people of Epekwitk (PEI). This collection exists in conjunction with the PEI Art Bank collection. The PEI Culture Action Plan aspires for all Islanders to have opportunities to engage with art forms that derive from Indigenous languages, world views, practices, traditions and protocols.
The PEI Art Bank collection encourages artistic merit and excellence, stimulates awareness and appreciation in visual arts, and preserves a history of art making in the province for present and future generations. The program raises awareness of Island artists and their works and stimulates interest in visual arts and fine crafts.
Unlike a museum’s permanent collection, which is built with a curatorial approach and considerations of heritage and longevity, the PEI Art Bank collection is focused on vitality and evolution, with decision-making informed in large part by the ability to exhibit its works in public settings.
If you are a professional artist or craftsperson working in the visual arts and living in Prince Edward Island for the past 12 consecutive months, and you self-identify as a First Nations, Métis or Inuit person, you are invited to apply to have your work considered for acquisition for the PEI Indigenous Art Bank collection.
For purposes of this program, you are considered a “professional” as long as you:
- Have specialized training in your artistic field (not necessarily academic);
- Are recognized as such by your artistic peers;
- Have a history of public presentation; and
- Are committed to devoting more time to the visual arts if it becomes financially feasible.
Where can I see the collection?
Pieces from the collection are displayed in provincial government buildings across Prince Edward Island. This includes libraries, health centres, Access PEI locations as well as lounges, lobbies, hallways and reception areas.
Occasionally, Innovation PEI organizes special exhibitions featuring artworks from the Art Bank collection, giving the public an opportunity to view works presented together in one space.
How are works of art selected for the collection?
The PEI Indigenous Art Bank is a working collection with most items displayed in reception and high traffic areas of public buildings across the province. In the spirit of friendship and reconciliation, Innovation PEI strives to maintain and grow Mi’kmaq culture. One way of accomplishing this is to celebrate the artworks of cultural significance made by Indigenous artists and creators and making these available for all Islanders to enjoy and appreciate.
A peer assessment committee consisting of Indigenous members of the arts and culture community evaluates all eligible submissions. This may include artists, cultural carriers, knowledge keepers, art dealers, collectors, curators and other knowledgeable individuals. This committee recommends works that reflect the creativity, expertise and experience of Indigenous artists working in the visual arts and comply with the program objectives.
Selected works are announced in a news release. Names of peer assessors are kept confidential.
Please note that meeting the eligibility criteria allows you to submit work for consideration, but it does not guarantee that the work presented in your submission will be purchased.
If your submission is selected, you will be contacted by email to complete a purchase agreement.
How are peer assessors selected?
Indigenous members of the arts and culture sector are periodically invited to apply to take part in the peer assessment process.
To recommend someone or to self-nominate for the peer assessment committee, please consult this web page for more information.
Note: No individual having a financial interest in the acquisition may sit on the peer assessment committee. To ensure a variety of input and perspectives, no peer assessor may sit on two committees in succession.
Is my work eligible for consideration?
To be considered for acquisition, your completed work must be suitable in form, size, condition and media for immediate display in a public space. Installations, performance pieces, works containing audio or video components and works with unusual display requirements cannot be considered for acquisition and are therefore ineligible to this program.
Paintings, drawings, sketches, photography, mixed media pieces, textile works, and sculptural works are examples of eligible works.
- You may submit a maximum of two completed works. (Please submit a separate form for each submission.)
- If your work consists of a series of pieces, the total number of components submitted must not exceed ten.
- Your work must have been completed during the last two years.
- Artworks must be display-ready and have the proper hanging hardware. If the work is two-dimensional, this means that it should ideally be framed, wired, have D-ring hooks or be equipped with sawtooth hangers. Works received by the PEI Art Bank will not be accepted if deemed unfit for public display.
- Works must be able to be moved safely by two art handlers and easily fit into a cargo van.
- Incomplete works will not be considered.
- Your work must be in the best possible physical state of preservation. Artworks that are fragile or that require ongoing conservation are not normally approved for purchase.
- Works must have a legal title free and clear of restrictions or qualifications. Artworks are not acquired if they have knowingly been obtained under illegal circumstances.
Innovation PEI is committed to equity and inclusion, and encourages submissions from artists from culturally diverse, Deaf, disability and official language minority communities. Innovation PEI recognizes and affirms the treaty rights of the Indigenous peoples of this land and encourages submissions from First Nations, Inuit and Métis individuals, groups, and organizations in all its programs, including its Indigenous Art Bank and Indigenous Arts Grants.
When will I be notified of a decision?
All applicants will be advised of the peer assessment committee’s decision by email within six to eight weeks of the submission deadline. Applicants can request feedback in writing from the program officer following the receipt of the decision that was communicated to them.
What do I need to complete the submission form?
You will be asked to provide:
- Current contact information;
- Artwork details including the title, medium, size (centimetres are preferred), completion date and purchase price (prices should reflect current market value);
- A brief written description of your work, i.e. subject matter, process used, symbolic significance (Maximum 1,000 characters). If your piece is selected this description will be published;
- A short artist biography (Maximum 1,000 characters). If your piece is selected this short artist biography will be published;
- An artist curriculum vitae (CV) or a detailed description of artistic practice and applicable training and experience. Click here for more information about artist CVs. ; and
- Colour digital image(s) (maximum of four files) depicting your completed, display-ready work. Please ensure the image is of high quality and at sufficient resolution to be reproduced for viewing by the peer assessment committee. Please also name the photo files with the title that corresponds to the artwork title on the submission form. Please do not include a compilation of photos as this reduces the quality of the images.
- Include your name on all files and number your files in the order that they should be opened by the peer assessment committee.
Please note: Members of the peer assessment committee may ask to view your artwork in person before making a decision.
How long will it take to complete the submission form?
If you have all the supporting documents ready to upload, you can complete the online submission form in less than 30 minutes.
Please note that each submission form must be completed in one session as it cannot be saved.
How can I submit my work for consideration?
Submissions are being accepted from January 20 to February 18, 2025, at 4 p.m.
Click the Apply Now button to get started.
Applicants who have limited internet access or accessibility needs may contact the Development Officer responsible for this program for assistance.
Who do I contact with questions or for additional support?
Éliane Laberge(She/Her)
Bilingual Cultural Development Officer
Phone: 902-916-1854
Innovation PEI
94 Euston Street, Charlottetown