Provincial Disaster Financial Assistance Program

The Provincial Disaster Financial Assistance Program (PDFAP) is available to help individuals and families with costs to repair or replace uninsurable, essential basic property loss due to disasters. The program is also available to small businesses, not-for-profit organizations and municipal governments. This program is modelled after the federal program and other provincial disaster financial assistance programs.

Refer to the provincial guidelines for details and information on eligibility.

Municipalities have a separate application process and municipal officials can expect to receive program information directly from the PEI Emergency Measures Organization. Municipal eligibility guidelines remain the same.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will the provincial disaster assistance program be rolled out?

The Provincial Disaster Assistance Program is now closed. Application deadline was January 31, 2023.

Who may be eligible?

The Provincial Disaster Financial Assistance Program aligns with the federal program. Islanders can expect to see the same criteria for eligibility. This includes eligibility for residents for their primary residence, tenants, small business owners (including agriculture and aquaculture) and not-for-profit organizations.

Residential Property Claims

  • Claims may only be made with respect to the claimant’s primary residence.
  • Homeowners can only apply for assistance for items that is not insurable.
  • Tenants may be eligible for assistance related to personal property damage and losses that is not insurable.

Small Business

  • Businesses with yearly gross revenues of at least $10,000 to $2,000,000 and which employ no more than 20 full time equivalent employees may be eligible for assistance.
  • Assistance may be provided for uninsurable damage to equipment and building structure that is required for the operation of the business.
  • Fishing and aquaculture industries which meet the small business thresholds
  • Loss of revenue is not eligible under the program.

Not-for-profit Organizations

Damages and losses may be eligible for assistance if the Province is satisfied that the organization contributes significantly to the community by providing a basic or essential service and its presence is required for future sustainability and resiliency.

Is there a deductible for this program?

There is no deductible for any eligible applicant (households, not-for-profit organizations, and small businesses) for this program. This has been waived by the Province of Prince Edward Island.

How much money can Islanders expect to get back?

Every individual's situation is different and the amount will vary.

What does the program cover?

The program will help to cover costs of basic needs items as outlined in the provincial guidelines. The guidelines also outline what is NOT covered along with eligibility, which aligns with the federal program.

Who manages the Provincial Disaster Financial Assistance Program?

The Emergency Measures Office will be administering the program on behalf of the Minister of Justice and Public Safety.



Justice and Public Safety

General Inquiries

Public Safety Division
PO Box 911
Charlottetown, PE   C1A 7L9

Phone: 902-894-0385
Toll-free: 1-877-894-0385
Fax: 902-368-6362

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